This part of the fish must not be eaten

This part of the fish must not be eaten
00:01, May 26, 2018

We know that fish has the advantages of high protein, low fat, rich in vitamins and minerals, good taste, and easy digestion and absorption. Moreover, the fat content of fish is far lower than that of ordinary meat such as pork, so it is more high-quality and healthy. In addition to its natural flavor, it is a must for many people to eat out. But when eating such delicious and nutritious food, it is also necessary to pay attention to some dietary taboos. Of course, fish meat is good, but not all parts of a whole fish can be eaten, such as fish gall.

   Why can't you eat fish gall

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that fish, snake and bile are bitter and cold medicines, which have the effect of detoxification, clearing heat and improving eyesight, and also have the effect of detumescence. Others believe that fish gall can relieve cough and asthma, so some people with eye disease or poor eyesight, and some asthma The patient wants to cure his disease by taking fish gall. However, these people could not cure the disease after eating fish gall, and on the contrary, they were hospitalized and even lost their lives because of fish gall poisoning.

Do not underestimate the fish gall. The bile of the fish gall contains hydrocyanic acid, which is more toxic than arsenic at the same dose. No matter how it is treated, such as eating raw, cooking or soaking in wine, its toxic ingredients will not be damaged.

   Symptoms of fish gall poisoning

It happens suddenly half an hour to one hour after people eat fish gall abdominal pain , vomiting diarrhea Similar to acute stomach enteritis But this is only the first clinical manifestation of acute fish bile poisoning.

Next, within 12 to 24 hours, the patient will have oliguria or anuria, hepatomegaly jaundice The symptoms of tenderness in the liver area and buckle pain are caused by acute liver failure, liver damage and other tissue and organ damage. Renal failure may also occur lumbago , oliguria or anuria. Some mermaid bile poisoning may also cause fever shock And other pathological symptoms. If timely medical treatment is not available, fish bile poisoning will often endanger the lives of patients. After recognizing the harm of fish gall poisoning, we should first focus on prevention, change the idea that eating fish gall can cure diseases, and fully realize the harm of eating fish gall.

   What to do after fish gall poisoning

Once it is found that someone eats fish gall by mistake, it should first induce vomiting. It is better to spit out the fish gall, and then wash the stomach with warm water. If conditions permit, patients can be given activated carbon, which can absorb toxins, and then give drugs for catharsis to minimize the absorption of toxins by the human body. For occurrence Acute renal failure For patients with liver damage, the fluid volume should be properly controlled, and blood purification treatment such as hemoperfusion and hemodialysis should be given as soon as possible, which is the key to successful treatment. As long as early and effective identification and timely and effective clinical treatment, the vast majority of patients with acute fish bile poisoning can be completely cured.

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