Three kinds of people had better not eat white radish

Three kinds of people had better not eat white radish
00:01, May 26, 2018 Family Doctor Online

Food programs seem to have faded out of our sight, and are replaced by variety shows full of topics. When we met food programs on the turntable, many people chose to pass by at a glance, but that was the light glance that day, and I found a secret recipe for acne. The host took a piece of white radish and said, "An old Chinese doctor said that if you eat a piece of white radish every day, you can cure acne." As a woman who fought with acne for fun, I was boiling at that time. Look for turnips... But after calming down, I began to think, can eating turnips really cure acne? What are the efficacy and nutritional value of white radish? Let's get to know today.

   Seven functions of white radish

1. Cancer prevention. How to prevent cancer through diet in this age when cancer turns pale cancer It is a topic of great concern. The MTBI component in white radish can have a good anti-cancer effect. And once the radish is more spicy, the cancer prevention effect will be stronger.

2. It can relieve coughing. White radish contains a variety of water-soluble vitamins and organic acids. Juicing and drinking can improve cough, expectoration, asthma and other symptoms.

3. Good for weight loss. The isothiocyanate in white radish can promote fat consumption, help lose weight, and can also be used to relieve alcoholism.

4. Improvement Arteriosclerosis situation. The radish seeds in white radish contain a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids, which can reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, and improve the situation of hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis.

5. It can relieve nausea and vomiting. The leaves of white radish are rich in vitamin ingredients, which can alleviate the disharmony between the spleen and stomach, and vomit sour water.

6. Winter cold It is most appropriate to relieve symptoms. White radish contains a certain amount of mustard. In addition to radish's anti-inflammatory function, it can improve the symptoms such as sore throat and stuffy nose caused by cold in winter.

7. It can improve rough, acne and other skin problems. This is because the decline is rich in plant fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and eliminate constipation , which plays a role in detoxification, and then improves the bad skin condition.

   Three kinds of people had better not eat white radish

Although white radishes have many benefits, we should pay attention to whether all people are suitable for eating white radishes. For example, like diarrhea Patients should not eat more or even not eat, because radish is good for the intestines, and diarrhea may aggravate the symptoms.

Secondly, some people with gastrointestinal diseases or Aura abortion It is better not to eat white radish because it is too cold for these people.

Finally, it is suggested that some people who are taking tonic or traditional Chinese medicine should not eat it, because white radish may react loudly with some traditional Chinese medicine ingredients to reduce the efficacy. It is better to ask your own TCM doctor before making a decision.


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