Why is picking nose excrement addictive?

Source: China's micro platform for science popularization

Expert in this article: Dr. Tian Jing, the former disease prevention and control center of Chengdu Military Region, attending physician

Reviewed by: Dr. Chen Haixu, associate researcher, Clinical Department of the South Building of the PLA General Hospital, National Clinical Medical Research Center for Geriatric Diseases, Institute of Geriatrics

Stefan Gates, a British popular science writer, once discussed the topic of eating "nose excrement". About 44% of people admitted that they had tried such things when they were young and said that they were "delicious". Many people also said that they have no resistance to picking nose excrement. The more they dig, the more they want to dig.

There are different views on eating nasal excrement. Because the mucus formed by nasal excrement can filter the air, it is not so healthy; Some people think that the mucus of nasal excrement is mostly eaten, so it is not so "unhealthy"; However, some people say that eating nasal excrement is beneficial to the health of the immune system.

So, how does nose excrement come into being? Can you eat nasal excrement? Why do you want to dig more and more? Let's popularize science for everyone today!

  How is nasal excrement formed?

The nasal cavity is the first channel for us to exchange air with the outside world. Some hair follicles grow at the entrance of the nasal cavity and continue to secrete mucus, which can filter dust and viruses in the air, regulate the humidity and temperature of the inhaled air, and reduce the irritation to the respiratory tract.

Ordinary people secrete about 500~1000 ml of mucus in a day. Under normal circumstances, these mucus are slowly moved to the lower part of the nasal cavity to the pharynx under the swing of the nasal cilia, making people swallow, that is, most of the mucus is eaten by us.

However, these cilia are not enough to completely remove all mucus, so some mucus remains in the nostrils. With dry air, the moisture in the mucus is constantly taken away, thus forming a hard "nasal mucus" attached to the nasal cavity. Therefore, from the perspective of hygiene and beauty, it is not recommended to try!

What is the relationship between nasal excrement and health?

On average, each person picks his or her nose about 4 times a day. The color of nasal excrement mostly represents the cleanliness of the air. When air pollution and dust increase, the color of nasal excrement will become darker. For healthy people, proper nasal discharge is normal cold The nasal excrement will increase in dry weather or poor air quality.

  Why do you want to dig your nose more and more?

Dry nasal excrement can stimulate the itch of nasal mucosa, or affect the ventilation of the nose to some extent, so people can't help picking up nasal excrement. When picking nose excrement is over, "the world is quiet" indicates that picking nose excrement also meets some psychological needs of people.

Picking nose excrement will not affect the sense of smell generally, because the olfactory nerve is above the nasal cavity, which is difficult to be touched when picking nose. So don't worry that picking your nose will affect your sense of smell, and don't expect to solve the problem by picking your nose.

  How to pick up nose excrement scientifically?

  1。 Wash your hands before and after picking your nose.

Although picking nose excrement can meet both physiological needs and psychological sense of achievement, if the method is not correct, it is likely to bring hidden dangers to the nose.

When healthy, uncleaned hands may bring viruses or bacteria into the nostrils. Excessive digging force may make the nasal mucosa fragile, or even damage the capillaries Epistaxis

When suffering from common cold influenza When infected with virus, there are many microorganisms in the nasal environment and nasal excrement. If you do not wash your hands in time after picking your nostrils, the pathogenic microorganisms are likely to spread to other parts of the body or to other people through handshake or other social activities.

   2。 Wash your nose regularly to help your health.

The most healthy and effective way to "dig the nostrils" is to use normal saline or water to soften the nasal excrement, and use a cotton swab to push out the dry scabs. If this method is too hypocritical, you can wash your nose with cold water when washing your face, and then "dig out the nasal excrement" after the nasal excrement softens.

There are many benefits of cold water cleaning the nasal cavity. It can not only increase the resistance of the nose, reduce the dryness and sensitivity of the nose, but also reduce the formation of nasal excrement rhinitis Patients are also very effective.

   3。 Keep the living environment clean.

Keep the air in the living environment clean, pay attention to humidification when the air is dry, properly cultivate green plants, play less with computers, do not smoke or avoid exposure to second-hand smoke, avoid sensitivity caused by pet hair, wear qualified masks when going out in haze, etc.

   4。 Improving body resistance is the key.

When the nasal cavity is dry and itchy, you can drink more water or fumigate the nasal cavity with steam. Pay attention to strengthening physical exercise. Jogging and sweating are very helpful to maintain the health of the nasal cavity.

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