"Ten thousand steps a day" is really good

In recent years, the number of exercise steps is popular in the circle of friends, and many people believe that "10000 steps a day". However, many people walk out of the "pain". What is the matter? The reporter learned from Foshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine that injuries caused by "violent walking" happen from time to time, and even lead to myocardial infarction, renal failure, and even endanger life safety.

So, is it scientific to walk 10000 steps every day? Which groups are suitable for walking, and what are the differences in the steps of different groups every day? Is there any simple method that can help self test? In fact, experts all agree on the benefits of walking, which is suitable for most people. However, due to individual differences, we must not blindly pursue the goal of "10000 steps".

Investigation: "pain" of walking out

Mr. Chen has the habit of taking a walk after dinner every night. He and his wife have to walk back and forth along the park four or five times, until the number of sports steps on WeChat shows more than 10000 steps, they feel that they have completed the goal. "Every day, we will see how many steps our friends have taken, and we will praise each other." Mr. Chen said that sometimes when he has taken 30000 steps, he can receive more praise and occupy the cover of the circle of friends. He felt very happy.

However, recently, Mr. Chen felt a little tingling in his knee. After his "violent walk" at night, the situation became more serious. His calf was tight and his knee joint became more painful. When Mr. Chen went to the hospital, he found that he suffered from knee joint synovitis It turned out that Mr. Chen himself was fat and older, because he walked too many steps every day and accumulated for a long time, which led to knee injuries.

Mr. Yang, 38, went to the hospital for medical treatment due to high blood pressure. The doctor said that he was overweight and needed to exercise moderately. "The doctor said that in my current situation, only 5000 steps of exercise is enough." Mr. Yang said that the doctor also specifically told him that he was not suitable for running. After listening to the doctor's advice, Mr. Yang disposed of the treadmill that he bought for more than 4000 yuan at a low price of 20 yuan.

In fact, there are not a few cases of "violent" injuries in life. The reporter learned from Foshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital that patients with joint pain caused by violent walking are often encountered in orthopedic clinics. In addition, there will also be some cases of violence inducing myocardial infarction, renal failure, and even endangering life safety.

According to doctors, long-term violence is likely to cause synovitis (hip, knee and ankle joints) Meniscus injury , cartilage damage bone arthritis Etc.

Professor Liu Xiaofang, the president of Foshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and an expert in sports medicine, said: "Walking is really a good way of exercise, but also a relatively simple way of exercise." He said that walking is an aerobic exercise, which is suitable for most people, but it should not stop.

Cao Junjun, a senior sports coach, said that from the perspective of sports, as long as normal healthy people are suitable for walking. "Most people are suitable for walking except those with joint injuries and those with specific diseases."

From the perspective of physiological research, 8500 or 9000 steps are more scientific

Professor Liu Xiaofang, President of Foshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and Sports Medicine Expert

According to Liu, the saying "Ten thousand steps a day" originated from Japan. As early as the 1960s, Japan established the Wandering Club. Since then, scientific research has found that a middle-aged Japanese man of medium stature walking 10000 steps is roughly equivalent to consuming 300 kcal of energy. After 2000, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of the Japanese government also called on Japanese people to walk 10000 steps every day in the plan of "building healthy sports standards".

He said that "ten thousand steps a day" is not a strict fitness standard. Even in Japan, Professor Kitano Yoshiro, the earliest initiator of the activity, said that from the results of physiological research, 8500 or 9000 steps a day are more scientific, but 10000 steps are more convenient for people to remember.

"Walking, like other sports, is important to ensure enough intensity and exercise time for fitness." Liu said that there are individual differences in how many steps to take. Height, weight, walking speed and energy consumption are different. Therefore, it is difficult to have a strict standard for the number of steps.

"Ten thousand steps" is more for memory

Cao Junjun, a senior sports coach and several bodybuilding champion

Cao Junjun, who has 33 years of professional teaching experience, has won many bodybuilding championships in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. He is a celebrity in the fitness circle of Foshan. He said that the saying "10000 steps a day" does not really mean 10000 steps a day. It is more convenient for memory and reminds people to exercise a certain amount every day to achieve the goal of health.

"This is the same as what you often hear, 'Walk a hundred steps after a meal, live to 99'. It does not mean that you must walk 100 steps after eating." Cao Junjun said that these two words are just reminders to exercise, strengthen metabolism and blood circulation, so as to make your body healthier.


How can I get there? Here's the answer

  1。 The amount of exercise of different groups is different

Cao Junjun also said that the number of steps for different groups should be determined according to individual differences, as well as age, weight, and purpose of exercise. "Generally speaking, if you are a retired old person, you should walk within 5000 steps a day, and if you are a young person, you should walk for about 40 or 50 minutes."

So, how to know whether the number of steps of walking is appropriate? In this regard, Cao Junjun said that the exercise intensity can be adjusted according to the heart rate. There is a simple formula: effective exercise heart rate=220 - (age), and then multiply the values by 60% and 80% respectively, which should be controlled within this interval.

For example, if someone wants to lose weight and fat by walking, he is 20 years old, and the heart rate calculated by the formula in one minute is between 120 and 160 times. Only when he reaches this value during exercise can he achieve the goal of losing weight and fat.

In addition, as for walking, he said, "Generally speaking, a normal person takes an hour to walk 4 to 5 kilometers. If you want to achieve a certain sports effect, you need to have a certain speed, which is faster than the ordinary pace, such as walking 7 to 8 kilometers an hour."

  2。 The effect of walking speed is different

Liu Xiaoxing said that different walking methods have different effects. According to him, according to the speed, it can be divided into walking, walking, fast walking, violent walking, race walking, etc.

Among them, the slowest way of walking is walking. Its pace and movement are more casual, and its speed is slower than that of ordinary walking, about 3.5 kilometers per hour. "It has a poor effect on sports and fitness, and is suitable for older people who are not able to move but can walk," Liu said.

The second speed is walking. The pace is based on personal habits, and the breathing is not affected. Walk 4~4.5 kilometers per hour. "The effect of exercise and fitness depends on the length of walking time, and the amount of light exercise can be achieved after more than 30 minutes."

The third speed is fast walking, which means that the pace is larger than normal walking, and it can complete 5.6~6.5 kilometers per hour. "The speed of fast walking is fast, the movement of the arm will naturally increase, and the feeling of breathing is obvious, which can easily reach the standard and purpose of daily exercise intensity," he said.

Liu imitated the introduction that the faster than the fast walking speed is called violent walking, which can complete 6.5~7 kilometers per hour. It is difficult for ordinary people to persist for a long time. They should adjust according to their cardiopulmonary capacity and muscular endurance. In addition, there is the last kind of walking race, which is usually practiced by professional athletes.

Liu Xiaoxing said that it is worth reminding that before walking, you should also fully warm up, and choose appropriate sports shoes. The quality of shoes directly affects the exercise effect. It is suggested to choose lightweight, breathable, flexible soles, etc. If you exercise with unsuitable shoes for a long time, your feet are prone to blisters, pain Beriberi And so on.

Expert: Self test the influence of walking on the body

So, how to judge whether the number of steps and the length of time are suitable for you?

Cao Junjun taught a simple method, that is, after walking, I feel that the whole person is energetic and comfortable. "After walking or running, add energy, take a bath, sleep well, and feel energetic the next day, which indicates that the amount of exercise is relatively appropriate. If you get up the next day, you feel that your muscles are bloated, not very energetic, and tired, it may be that you have exercised too much." In addition, he said that if you exercise too much, sleep until midnight, Leg cramps may occur.

Cao Junjun said: "If there is pain in the heel, tightness in the calf, discomfort in the knee and tingling sensation after exercise, it is possible that muscle strain is caused by excessive exercise or incorrect running and walking posture." He said that in these cases, massage or reduce the amount of exercise can also be taken to rest and observe for a few days, Do not exercise until your body recovers. (Reporter Zhou Wenji)

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