The more vegetarian the better

The more vegetarian the better
09:50, May 21, 2018 People's Daily

Our reporter Wang Junping

More than 10 famous doctors from nutrition, sports, gynecology, psychology, skin and other fields put forward suggestions for some misunderstandings in women's health care.

The whiter the skin, the better. Zhu Xuejun, a lifelong professor at Peking University First Hospital, said that skin care has three elements: cleaning, moisturizing and sunscreen. Skin health can only be achieved if all three steps are done correctly.

Many women protect themselves from sunscreen for whitening. Excessive sunscreen will also affect calcium absorption. Older women are likely to osteoporosis Zhu Xuejun reminded that proper sun exposure is beneficial to the human body. Vitamin D3 can be synthesized to help the absorption of calcium in the human body, but do not expose yourself to the sun for a long time. It is best to stay away from the strong noon sun every day for 15-20 minutes.

Women are advised to put on some sunscreen when going out, but it is not necessary to use it in the office. Zhu Xuejun said that ordinary office workers choose sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 15, which is enough to resist ultraviolet rays. Excessive use of sunscreen with a high sun protection factor may lead to skin pigmentation, which is difficult to clean.

The more vegetarian the better. Zuo Xiaoxia, director of the Nutrition Department of the 309 Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, said that many women are vegetarian in order to go on a diet anemia , his face is stained. Health is closely related to diet. The so-called "disease comes from the mouth". Eating right is nutrients, and eating wrong is "chronic poison".

Wang Yi, director of the dietotherapy and nutrition department of Guang'anmen Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, introduced the diet formula: first, count, food should be diversified; Second, colored, colorful food; Third, taste, sweet, sour, bitter, hot, salty, five tastes should be balanced.

Wang Yi said that to ensure balanced intake of nutrition, we should eat some food, but we should eat in a proper way. "Once when I went to Shanxi on a business trip, I ate a fried dough stick at the hotel restaurant for breakfast. When I took the fried dough stick, people around me looked at me in surprise. They thought that people who study nutrition should still eat fried dough sticks. Why not eat them? One oil is guaranteed, the other is not eaten every day, and you only see me taking fried dough sticks. Nobody sees how I eat them. I roll them with lettuce."

In addition, sports are not as "formal" as possible. Niu Guowei, director of the Aerobic Sports Center of Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital, said that, in fact, whether at work or at home, on the subway or on the bus, "piecemeal exercise" can be used to achieve the purpose of physical exercise, correct sitting posture, quickly rub hands, shrink waist and abdomen... Health is accumulated bit by bit.

People's Daily (May 21, 2018, 20th Edition)

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