The best way to fight aging

The best way to fight aging
09:45, May 21, 2018 Health Times

A new research published in Aging Cell magazine shows that regular exercise is the best choice to fight against aging.

In this study, the research team evaluated 84 male and 41 female cyclists aged 55 to 79. How to define them as cyclists? Men can ride 100 kilometers in 6.5 hours, and women can ride 60 kilometers in 5.5 hours.

The results showed that compared with those who did not exercise regularly, these cyclists did not lose muscle content and strength with aging, their body fat and cholesterol levels did not increase, and their immune systems were as strong as those of young people.

Moreover, male cyclists have higher testosterone levels.

Researchers believe that with the growth of age, infrequent exercise has a significant role in promoting the aging of the immune system.

The U.S. National Institute on Aging divides sports into four basic types: endurance sports, strength sports, balance sports and flexible sports. They suggest that you should not limit yourself to one type of sports. Mixed sports can not only enhance fun but also reduce injuries.

Endurance exercise, also known as aerobic exercise, can enhance breathing and heart rate, which is conducive to the health of the heart, lungs and circulatory system. Increasing endurance can make daily activities easier. For example, walking or jogging, dancing, etc.

Strength exercise, also called resistance training, can strengthen muscles and make you stronger. For example, weight lifting, use of resistance bands, use of self weight (pull up), etc.

Balance exercise can prevent falls, and some lower body strength training can also improve balance. For example, standing on one foot, walking on tiptoe, Tai Chi, etc.

Flexible exercise can stretch muscles, help your body to be more flexible and agile, and enable you to move more freely in daily activities. For example, calf stretching, yoga, etc. (Cao Xiaopei)

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