Grasp the turning point of Xiaoman's health care

Grasp the turning point of Xiaoman's health care
09:40, May 21, 2018 Health Times

In summer, for many people, it is very hard and hot and humid. Xiaoman (May 21 this year) is a turning point, marking the beginning of hot and humid summer. Therefore, we should prepare for summer health care from now on.

1、 Eat Three Delicacies

Garlic sprouts, cherries and cucumbers are known as the "three fresh foods" in Xiaoman season, which can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, clear the heart and eliminate summer heat, nourish yin and stomach.


Rock sugar cherry: nourish stomach and dispel dampness

Xiaoman cherries are ripe. Sweet and sour cherries can benefit the spleen and stomach, dispel wind and overcome dampness. Cherries are rich in iron and vitamin C, and proper consumption has the effect of nourishing skin. In addition, the content of vitamin A in cherries is high, and it is good for those who use more eyes to eat some.

Recommend a rock sugar cherry drink: wash and squeeze the cherry juice, mix rock sugar as a drink, which can nourish the stomach, improve appetite diarrhea It also has certain dietotherapy effect.


Stir fried garlic sprouts: warming, activating blood circulation

Garlic sprouts are seasonal vegetables in Xiaoman season, which can warm the body and lower the qi. It is suitable for this season to supplement yang qi to the body. Although it was hot, some people appeared abdominal distention abdominal pain Such symptoms are the manifestation of stomach cold. Eating some garlic sprouts has the effect of warming and tonifying. In addition, garlic sprouts also contain capsaicin and allicin, which have the function of disinfection and sterilization.


Eating cucumber handle: clearing away heat

The weather is getting hotter. Eating cucumbers can relieve the heat. Cucumber is cold and cool, with sufficient water, refreshing and heat clearing. Many people don't eat the cucumber handle. They dislike its astringency and lack of water. In fact, the cucumber contains more bitter ingredients, especially the tail, which can reduce fire and appetizers. Don't throw it away when eating. In addition, cucumber contains propanedioic acid, which can inhibit the absorption of fat. People who want to lose weight can eat more appropriately.

2、 Avoid three satisfactions

Due to the high temperature and rainy weather, we should pay attention to the harm of "three fullness" to our health.


Wet and rainy: crucian carp soup dispels spleen dampness

"Little full, little full, rivers full." This season, the rainfall increases, the air is humid, and various skin diseases, such as Beriberi eczema , sweat spot, wet skin disease, tinea pedis, etc. If there is loose stool, full stomach, no appetite, belching and sour, the simplest way is to drink the soup made of crucian carp.


Sweat and cold: pull out the Fuyang jar

As the weather gets hotter, the heat becomes more and more evil, and the sweat excretion will also speed up. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "Qi drops with sweat", and "Qi means Yang", so Yang Qi will also be damaged.

Generally speaking, cupping and moxibustion are often used to dispel cold in the body, but they are not convenient for home use. You can try the traditional Chinese medicine Fuyang jar. The jar has a large bottom area, and it is easier to find acupoints along the meridians, and there is no moxibustion Scald The disadvantage is that it avoids the embarrassment of smoke and fire.


Full chest and flank: practice sitting skill

When the temperature in Xiaoman increases, the mood of many people will also change. It is easy to be upset, irritable, hot and unbearable, which is not conducive to the stable control of blood pressure. It is recommended that everyone practice "sitting skill" to get rid of boredom.

Every morning, sit quietly in bed for a few minutes after waking up, which has a certain alleviating effect on chest and flank fullness, heart tremor and panic, blushing and upset, palm fever, etc., which are easy to occur in summer.

3、 Drink three teas


Troubled and bitter: lotus leaf and bamboo leaf tea

The lotus leaf and bamboo leaf can be used together to clear away heat, diuresis, dampness, heart and annoyance. It is suitable for mild pain and thirst, poor sleep at night, red tongue, sore mouth and other symptoms.


prevention cold : Honeysuckle chrysanthemum tea

Most colds in summer are hot colds, often without the feeling of aversion to cold. They only get hot and sweat, but not antipyretic. In this case, taking antipyretic drugs is not effective.


Promoting fluid and quenching thirst: white thatch root and reed root tea

The temperature is high, and the body loses more water. Some people will have dry mouth, sweating, sore throat, and thirst after drinking. Use 6g of white thatch root and 6g of reed root to boil water to drink, which can clear away heat and stimulate saliva and quench thirst. It is mainly used for dry mouth and thirst caused by excessive heat and damaging saliva.

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