What is the mud from the bath

What is the mud from the bath
00:06, May 20, 2018 Family Doctor Online

When taking a bath, many people are keen on using the form of rubbing bath. Every time they rub a bath, they can always rub "white strips" from their body, giving a feeling of clean bathing. Without rubbing, they always feel that there are "dirt and dust" residues on their body. It has become a habit for many people to rub a few rounds every day when taking a bath. In fact, what we rub out in daily baths is really "dirt" Is it?

 What is the mud from the bath What is the mud from the bath

What is the "mud" from bathing?

When taking a bath, the mud is actually scurf, grease, sweat, etc. In the process of continuous metabolism, the body shows that it will produce dander, and the skin is mainly divided into three parts: the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue, Mainly dead cells in the stratum corneum. Even if you take a bath every day, you can rub out "mud". Most of it is not the so-called "dirt", but the cutin constantly generated on the surface of the skin.

People who like to eat greasy food and don't like sports will produce more "white strips" than people who have light taste and often exercise. However, whether exercising or not, the body will sweat due to temperature or emotional changes, and the skin will constantly breathe and discharge secretions all the time, which is called "mud".

The amount of mud on the body depends on these two factors:

1. Endocrine disorder

This kind of people will have a lot of pressure in life and often stay up late, which usually directly leads to rough skin, large pores, and excessive oil secretion. So people with endocrine disorder usually have more "mud" on the surface of their skin.

  2。 People with fast skin metabolism

"Mud" is actually the secretion of human skin, and the rate of excretion of secretion from each person's skin is certain. Some people's skin metabolism is too fast, which will lead to the constant emergence of new cuticles, which seems to be that "mud" has become more.

The frequency of scrubbing should be reduced

When taking a bath, many people are satisfied when they rub their skin until it turns red and "mud sticks" are made, which is the "symbol" of clean bathing. But normally speaking, the protective film and cuticle formed by the skin can be used to prevent the invasion of viruses and bacteria and protect the skin. If you scrub too hard every day, it is easy to "scrub" the protective layer off, and the skin cannot protect itself, which is easy to cause moisture invasion.

When taking a bath, we should not only pay attention to the strength, but also pay attention to the frequency of taking a bath too frequently. Too much rubbing will lead to redness, pain and itching of the skin. It is not suitable to take a bath immediately after strenuous exercise and meals.

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