There are five benefits to staying up early for a long time

There are five benefits to staying up early for a long time
00:00, May 19, 2018 Family Doctor Online

"Life lies in movement", which is an unquestionable truth. Those who insist on getting up early for a long time are ahead of people. There is no doubt that they are strong and strong. So, how are people who insist on getting up early for a long time now?

 There are five benefits to staying up early for a long time There are five benefits to staying up early for a long time

In short, those who can persist in getting up early for a long time will be greatly favored by the God of Luck.

   1. Vigorous but never failing. The research found that early risers usually get up faster, and their brains are more flexible. They can quickly engage in work and study with high attention requirements, and are not easily tired. They are more energetic and work more efficiently.

  2. The face is radiant without dark circles. If you go to bed early and get up early for a long time, first of all, your metabolism will be smooth, your skin will become better, and your dark circles under your eyes will become lighter. Also sleep 7 hours every day. Look at those who stay up late, old people write on their faces

  3. Less depression. The study found that people who get up early are more organized, prepare in advance, and seldom rush about, so they are more cheerful and disease free. Those who like to stay up late are more likely to suffer depression Poor spirit is inevitable.

4. The sense of happiness is stronger. Researchers from the University of Toronto in Canada found that people of any age group are more positive when they get up early, feel better about themselves and have a stronger sense of health. This may be related to the fact that early risers can start a day's life, study and work in a better mood in the sun.

  5. Be more kind. Psychological research has found that early risers are generally more friendly and less "dark". When you wake up in the morning, your body wakes up from the sleep state with the lowest metabolic rate. If you can exercise properly, it will help to increase the metabolic rate and improve blood circulation. Early to bed and early to rise, the rule of life, has been conducive to health.

The plan of the day is in the morning. For health, let's go to bed early and get up early. Persistence is the key!

Get up early

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