Long lived people have these good habits

Long lived people have these good habits
00:00, May 19, 2018 Family Doctor Online

Longevity is almost everyone's pursuit, and most people want to live a long and healthy life. So what's the secret of longevity? What things in daily life can make people live longer?

   Eat less cold food

People's bodies prefer warm to cold, and so does their stomachs. However, young people nowadays like to eat ice cream and drink iced drinks, which is actually not conducive to the health of their stomachs. Professor Zou Yunxiang, the founder of Chinese medicine nephrology, has a family of three generations who are in good health and slow aging. There was a family rule in her family: cold drinks are not allowed for future generations! Therefore, for the sake of health, it is not advisable to eat more cold food.

   Exercise more

Life lies in sports. However, many office workers are lack of sports. They can't sit up for a long time at work and stay at home after work to play mobile phones and watch TV. The folk song of longevity, "Get up in the morning and exercise outside, walk fast for three times, jog for three times", is to suggest that people exercise. Exercise can promote blood circulation, improve the speed of metabolism, and also improve people's immunity.

   Supplement water before and after meals

Water should be added before and after meals. When the body is short of water, the metabolism of the human body will slow down. Water is the source of life, so try not to let the body be short of water and drink water when thirsty.

Health preservation is a long-term process. Maybe young people don't care much about it, but for the elderly, health preservation and longevity are their current concerns. So how can the elderly eat to live a healthy and long life?

   Longevity recipes for the elderly:

1 cup of milk: milk can provide calcium and protein, which is conducive to maintaining healthy bones and repairing the tissues lost by the body. If you don't like milk, you can also eat some foods rich in calcium, such as tofu, sesame, etc.

Two fruits: vitamin C and cellulose can keep the intestinal tract smooth and prevent constipation At the same time, it can also improve immunity.

3 bowls of cereals: cereals can provide heat and keep normal activities.

4 cups of water: drink at least 4 cups of water every day, and 8 cups of water is the most suitable, including milk, soup, etc., which can be adjusted according to personal conditions. In addition, it is not suitable to drink strong tea, coffee and other drinks.

5 Two fish, meat, eggs, beans: protein and iron are all supplements for the elderly. Fish and beans are a good choice.

6 Two vegetables: You can choose carrots, vegetable hearts, tomatoes, etc.

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