Try vinegar soaked peanuts for hypertensive patients

Try vinegar soaked peanuts for hypertensive patients
00:00, May 19, 2018 China News Network

Vinegar is rich in amino acids, lactic acid, acetic acid, succinic acid and other organic components, which can detoxify and promote metabolism. Peanuts contain a large amount of linoleic acid, which can decompose cholesterol in the human body into bile acid and expel it from the body, reducing various cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases caused by excessive accumulation of cholesterol in the body. Therefore, vinegar soaked peanuts can protect the blood vessel wall and prevent thrombus The formation has good effect. Long term consumption can lower blood pressure and soften blood vessels.

but hypertension Patients still need to insist on taking medicine. Vinegar soaked peanuts can not replace medicine, but only help to improve the effect of blood pressure, reduce the dosage of blood pressure drugs, and control the side effects of drugs. At most, eat a dozen vinegar soaked peanuts per meal. Rinse your mouth in time after meals to avoid damaging your teeth. In addition, patients with gastric ulcer People with too much stomach acid should not be jealous. (excerpted from the American Diaspora)


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