Watch out for 6 common kidney damaging foods

Watch out for 6 common kidney damaging foods
00:00, May 19, 2018 Family Doctor Online

We all know that nourishing the kidney is closely related to daily diet. If you don't eat the right food, it will not only not maintain the kidney, but also hurt the kidney. So you must master the correct diet. Today, we are going to introduce which foods and eating habits hurt the kidney most. Come and have a look.

   6 Kinds of Kidney Injuring Food Most Frequently Taken

Carambola. People with poor kidneys cannot eat fruit like carambola. Some scholars have observed that when people with normal renal function eat a large amount of sour carambola juice in a short period of time when they are hungry or sweating a lot (the body is in a state of dehydration), their blood creatinine will suddenly rise Acute renal failure If kidney disease patients eat too much carambola, the neurotoxin contained in it will make some kidney disease patients appear delirious, weak limbs, numbness of hands and feet and other symptoms, even coma. The patients with renal failure, even if they eat a carambola, will also have different levels of toxic reactions, and in severe cases, the disease will rapidly develop into uremia , even death.

Salty food. In the Chinese diet, "salt" is known as the first of all flavors. Exquisite food materials and knife work will become difficult to swallow if they lack the harmony of salt. However, salt is really a kind of food that can not be eaten more. Research has found that high salt intake will increase the protein content in urine, which is just a dangerous signal of kidney function problems. High salt diet will increase the burden of kidney, leading to kidney damage, which may increase the risk of kidney disease. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents, the daily intake of salt should be less than 6 grams. Many daily foods contain sodium, so food flavoring should be less. The salt in instant noodles is very high. People who often eat them must reduce the amount of salt.

Strong tea. Strong tea contains high fluoride, and the kidney is the main excretion organ of fluoride. When drinking too much, it will exceed the excretion capacity of the kidney, leading to fluoride accumulation in the body, which will cause damage to the kidney.

Coffee. Foreign studies have shown that drinking coffee can increase the secretion of calcium ions in people's urine. This means that people suffer renal calculus and osteoporosis The danger of illness has increased. It is reported that calcium in urine is an important component of kidney stones, so the more calcium in urine, the easier it is to form stones. Therefore, patients with kidney stones should have less than 2 cups of coffee per day, that is, no more than 0.45 liters of coffee per day, and no more than 1 liter of coffee for normal people. Because coffee will hinder the absorption of calcium by the human body, long-term drinking of coffee in large quantities may cause osteoporosis.

Therefore, people who have the habit of drinking coffee should drink at least one cup of milk every day, or eat more calcium containing food appropriately.

High protein food. The intake of high protein food is not the more the better, long-term high protein diet will make the kidney in "overload" state. Meat and tofu are important sources of animal and plant protein. Protein is an important component in the formation and repair of body tissues and organs, and participates in the regulation of body physiological functions. However, although the protein is good, it should not be eaten too much for a long time.

Because the nitrogen containing waste decomposed by protein in the body will be discharged with urine. If too much dietary protein is eaten, the nitrogen discharged with urine will also increase, which will increase the burden on the kidney and is not conducive to kidney health.

A light diet is good for nourishing the kidney. Some people think that eating without salt or oil is a light diet. Is that true?

   Three Mistakes Should Be Avoided in Nourishing Kidney with Light Diet

A light diet=no salt. When many patients hear about a light diet, their first impression is "light". They think that not eating salt is a light diet. It is true that some patients with kidney disease do not put a single grain of salt. In fact, a light diet is not without salt, but in moderation. To control the amount of salt is not to stop at all, but to establish the awareness of "salt control".

Light diet=no oil. Most patients mistakenly believe that less oil, less salt, and less taste are good for their kidneys. In fact, edible oil is also good for their kidneys. The nutritional value of edible oil is very high, especially vegetable edible oil. If you do not eat edible oil for a long time, it will lead to a lack of fat soluble vitamins and insufficient energy intake. It is not a good thing for patients with kidney disease.

A light diet=a vegetarian diet without meat. Some people also believe that a light diet is to eat less meat and vegetables and only vegetables and fruits. Then some nephrotic patients began to pursue the ultimate "light diet", giving up all animal foods and eating only vegetables and fruits instead of all foods every day. As we all know, for patients with kidney disease, if they blindly eat vegetarian food, it will lead to the lack of protein, and the lack of protein is a very dangerous thing. As the basis of body composition, protein will cause a series of physical symptoms such as mental distress, physical decline, and low immunity when the body is lacking. If it is lacking for a long time, it will pose a greater threat to health - serious innutrition Therefore, a series of complications will occur, which will increase the burden on the kidney.

What we also need to know is what kind of food will harm the kidney invisibly.

   These common foods are easy to damage the kidney

Fried food with sweet drinks. A new study published in the American Journal of Nephrology found that a diet of "fried food+sweet drinks" would increase the death risk of kidney disease by 50%. Processed foods often contain a large amount of salt and phosphorus, sweet drinks add a large amount of sugar, and fried foods contain a large amount of harmful fat, which is difficult for nephrotic patients to filter out from the blood, resulting in hypertension heart disease and diabetes The danger has greatly increased. Most of the death cases of kidney disease are closely related to heart disease.

Drink fruit and vegetable juice frequently. Fruit and vegetable juice drinks are processed from concentrated raw pulp of fruits or vegetables. In order to extend the shelf life, some have added preservatives such as sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate. Drinking this fruit and vegetable juice is easy to lead to excessive sodium and potassium content in the body, increasing the burden on the kidneys. In addition, the essence and pigment in the drink will aggravate the burden of glomerular filtration and detoxification, damage renal function, and aggravate renal edema and renal hypertension.

Eating too much tofu. Eating too much tofu can cause kidney function to decline. In old age, the ability of the kidney to excrete waste decreases. If a large amount of tofu is consumed, the nitrogen containing waste generated in the body will increase, which will increase the burden on the kidney, further decline the function of the kidney, and is not conducive to health.

Drink strong tea after drinking. The theophylline in tea can quickly play a diuretic role on the kidney, thus promoting the undecomposed acetaldehyde to enter the kidney prematurely. Acetaldehyde is a kind of harmful substance that has greater irritation to the kidney. The kidney does not have this detoxification function, so it will affect the renal function. People who often drink strong tea after drinking are prone to kidney disease.

He likes to drink beer. If you have kidney diseases and drink beer in an unlimited amount, uric acid deposition will lead to obstruction of renal tubules and renal failure.

From this point of view, there are many misunderstandings in the diet of kidney nourishing.


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