The best way to eat streaky pork

The best way to eat streaky pork
00:00, May 19, 2018 Family Doctor Online

Pork is a common meat product in our daily life. There are many ways to make pork, such as stewing, frying, steaming, etc. According to different parts, it also has different names, such as front trough meat, back hill meat, streaky meat, etc. Today we introduce streaky meat. What are the characteristics of streaky meat? What are the eating methods?

   Features of high-quality streaky pork:

1. Proper fat and thin streaky meat means that layers of fat and thin are alternated with each other, and the proportion is close to that of fat and thin, so it will not be oily and astringent, and the taste is just right.

2. Slightly pinch and press it with elasticity. Good five flower meat has good elasticity. The pigskin surface is fine, and will not be too dry or greasy.

3. The color of fresh streaky pork should be bright red normally. If the color is abnormal, do not buy it.

4. The bright and bright color represents the freshness of streaky pork, which is probably not fresh if it is too dark; If it is too bright, it may be artificially processed.

   Features of bad streaky pork:

1. Uneven oil distribution The oil should be properly distributed in the position of streaky pork, preferably layer by layer. Only when you start cooking can you get mixed taste; If part of the fat is unevenly distributed, it is likely that one mouthful is full of fat, or one mouthful is full of dry lean meat.

2. Soft, inelastic, and flabby pork is definitely not fresh, so you should pay attention when shopping.

3. Flesh with pale color or dark red is too pale and wet to touch, or it is too dry and appears dark red, which are all defective products and should not be purchased.

4. The smell of streaky meat is heavy and normal. It should not be very smelly. If there is an unpleasant smell, the streaky meat may have been corrupted.

   The practice of streaky pork:

   Dry fried streaky pork

Main ingredient: streaky pork

Ingredients: black pepper, rice wine salt, ginger candy, pepper powder


1. Cut pork belly into thin slices half a centimeter thick, put them into a bowl, and use other ingredients to evenly pickle them;

2. Cover the bowl with a layer of plastic wrap, and put the meat in the refrigerator overnight (try to marinate the meat overnight, so it tastes good);

3. Heat the pan on a low heat, and drain the meat slices into the pan in order. Keep the heat low. When the meat is fragrant and golden, turn over and continue frying;

4. Until both sides are golden and slightly charred, remove from the pot.

   Stir fried Pork

Ingredients: 400g pork, 4 red peppers, 3 peppers, 1 green garlic, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 2 pieces of ginger, 5 garlic cloves, 1 tablespoon light soy sauce, 1/2 tablespoon old soy sauce, 1/2 tablespoon cooking wine, 1 teaspoon table salt, 1/2 teaspoon chicken essence

1. Green and red peppers cut into rings and pork slices

2. Cut ginger, green garlic and garlic

3. Put a little vegetable oil in the pot and stir fry the meat until the fat is transparent and the edges are slightly brown (do not stir the meat too much to avoid the taste hardening)

4. Pour in light soy sauce, old soy sauce and cooking wine, stir fry

   Korean style sauteed pork with kimchi

Ingredients: 240g Korean kimchi, 300g pork, 1/3 onions, 1/2 tbsp soy sauce, 1/2 tbsp cooking wine, 1 tsp white sesame, 1 tbsp vegetable oil

1. Slice pork, onion and pickle

2. Put vegetable oil in the frying pan and stir fry pork

3. Stir it slowly until the streaky pork changes color. Add onion to stir fry it until it smells delicious

4. Add pickles and stir fry, then add cooking wine and soy sauce. Stir the pickles and pork evenly, and then sprinkle the cooked white sesame on the plate

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