You also have these bad habits that hurt your stomach

You also have these bad habits that hurt your stomach
01:50, May 18, 2018 Family Doctor Online

It's easier to hurt the stomach than to nourish it stomach trouble As we all know, once we are infected with stomach disease, it is difficult to completely recover, and the stomach is related to whether we eat well. It is very important to have a good stomach. In addition to nourishing the stomach, it is more important to prevent stomach disease. In life, if you happen to have these six bad habits that hurt your stomach, please correct them in time.

Which bad habits will hurt your stomach?

1. Poor diet

As the old saying goes, "If you eat something unclean, you will not get sick." But in fact, whether the food is clean or not has a lot to do with the occurrence of disease. If you do not pay attention to food hygiene, mild cases may cause gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhea, and severe cases may also be infected with Helicobacter pylori. Especially those who like raw food and drink uncooked drinking water are more likely to be at risk of Helicobacter pylori contamination. As we know, infection with Helicobacter pylori is easy to cause stomach and duodenal ulcer , causing stomach disease.

2. Eat while talking and eat while watching

Many people have the bad habit of talking while eating. This not only fails to chew slowly and taste the delicious food, but also may cause belching indigestion Performance. At the same time, it is a bad habit not to eat wholeheartedly while playing with your mobile phone or watching your computer while eating. The bacteria carried by your mobile phone and computer will not be mentioned for the time being. If you are not careful, it will easily lead to food Scald Oral and esophageal mucosa, increase oral cancer and esophageal cancer Risk.

3. Irregular diet

When they are busy at work, many people forget to eat. When they finish all their work, they want to celebrate, so they overeat. When hungry, there is no food to neutralize with stomach acid and protease, and the stomach can only come from my digestion through mucosa. When overeating, excessive expansion of the stomach wall and long stay of food will cause stomach damage. The stomach has been swayed by the imbalance between "hunger" and "overeating" for a long time, and it is difficult to imagine stomach disease.

4. Heavy taste

Nowadays, people like heavy oil, salt and hot food. Barbecue, spicy hot pot, pickled food, leftovers and so on can't stop. You may not feel uncomfortable after eating one or two times, but if you eat these unhealthy foods for a long time, your stomach will not be able to bear them, or even cause gastric cancer

5. Smoking and drinking

Maybe many people only know that smoking and drinking hurt the lungs and liver, but they don't know that it actually hurts the stomach. Smoking stimulates the vasoconstriction of gastric mucosa, stimulates the secretion of gastric acid and pepsin, and aggravates the damage of gastric mucosa. Drinking too much is likely to cause a sharp increase in alcohol consumption, especially high alcohol, which is more likely to damage the gastric mucosa, and even lead to Gastric bleeding

6. Nervous anxiety

Although emotions have nothing to do with diet, they also affect the stomach. Bad emotions such as anxiety, depression, tension and anger will stimulate the nervous system of the brain, leading to gastrointestinal secretion disorders. This has something to do with our bad mood, anger and lack of appetite in life.

The stomach is an indispensable and important organ of our body. If we have the above bad habits that hurt the stomach, we should correct them in time, pay attention to food, keep a happy mood, and prevent stomach disease is easier than cure it.

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