I never thought this habit could prevent cancer

I never thought this habit could prevent cancer
02:37, May 18, 2018 Sina Health

Source: China's micro platform for science popularization

Expert: Dr. Tao Ning, associate professor of Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

   cancer Is a heavy topic of life and death. Many people are afraid of cancer, but they don't know how to prevent it.

Recently, data from a large survey of 1.44 million people conducted by several research institutions, including the National Cancer Research Center and Harvard Medical School, showed that exercise can reduce the risk of at least 13 cancers.

Is there any relationship between exercise and cancer? How much cancer risk can exercise reduce? Which sport is the most suitable? Tell you how to do it.

What are the influencing factors of cancer?

Common tumors include: lung cancer gastric cancer , Liver cancer, nodule rectal cancer esophageal cancer mammary cancer cervical carcinoma In addition, Bladder cancer prostatic cancer Melanoma Nasopharyngeal carcinoma pancreatic cancer renal carcinoma Endometrial carcinoma oophoroma leukemia It is also common.

Common tumors have one feature: the site of occurrence is connected with the external cavity. Communication with the outside world means that people will be exposed to carcinogenic factors, which will lead to cancer.

Smoking: significantly increases the risk of lung cancer and other cancers.

Cooking fume: Many non-smoking women suffer from lung cancer, which is related to cooking fume caused by poor ventilation in the kitchen.

Eat pickled food: stomach cancer. Nitrite in pickled food is a carcinogenic factor, which will increase the risk of cancer.

Virus infection: liver cancer and hepatitis B Viral infection, cervical cancer and human papillomavirus infection, nasopharyngeal cancer and EB virus infection T cell leukemia is related to human T cell virus infection.

Excessive drinking: liver cancer. Long term excessive drinking leads to cirrhosis To increase the risk of liver cancer.

Lack of fresh fruits and vegetables: esophageal cancer. The high content of vitamin C in fresh vegetables and fruits protects esophageal cells from carcinogens. At the same time, the high content of cellulose promotes intestinal peristalsis and reduces the incidence of colon cancer.

Obesity: increases breast cancer. In recent years, with the change of diet structure, the incidence of breast cancer in women in China has shown an obvious upward trend, and the incidence has exceeded cervical cancer and become the first female tumor.

Obesity will also increase Fatty liver The occurrence of fatty liver to a certain extent will lead to cirrhosis and increase the risk of liver cancer. Obesity also increases the risk of colon cancer.

Long term excessive high protein diet: the pancreas secretes trypsin to participate in the digestion of protein foods. Long term high protein diet will increase the burden of the pancreas and the risk of pancreatic cancer.

Hot food: increases the risk of esophageal cancer.

Excessive ultraviolet radiation: increase the risk of melanoma.

Home decoration: especially formaldehyde and benzene contained in non environmental building materials, as well as insufficient window ventilation after decoration and hasty moving into residence, will greatly increase the risk of leukemia, especially children with active bone marrow hematopoiesis, which are more sensitive.

Hair dyeing: dyes contain aromatic carcinogens such as benzene ring, which can lead to leukemia.

Staying up late: Staying up late reduces immunity and increases cancer risk.

Aflatoxin: Peanuts and corn are stored improperly, poorly ventilated, high temperature, easy to mildew, and produce aflatoxin, especially aflatoxin B1, leading to a sharp increase in the risk of liver cancer.

Barbecue: Shuchuan and grilled fish have become our favorite food. Protein food such as meat and fish can be directly roasted on fire, which will form benzopyrene, which increases the risk of cancer.

Air pollution: The prevalence of lung cancer in urban residents is higher than that in rural residents, which is related to the high degree of industrialization in cities. The exhaust gas from factories pollutes the urban atmosphere. The industrial exhaust gas contains carcinogens such as benzopyrene.

What can be done to prevent cancer?

Large scale epidemiological research shows that exercise can prevent cancer.

Aerobic exercise is more beneficial than anaerobic exercise. In the process of body metabolism, aerobic fermentation is highly efficient, while tumor cells prefer anaerobic fermentation with low metabolic efficiency.

In fact, this is an evolutionary choice. In order to avoid the "pursuit" of the immune system, cancer cells produce an acidic and anoxic environment locally through anaerobic fermentation. In this environment, immune cells will lose their vitality. From this point of view, aerobic exercise is recommended.

How much cancer risk can exercise reduce?

Research shows that exercise can reduce the risk of multiple cancers, and the proportion of reducing cancer risk is:

  • Esophageal cancer 42%

  • Liver cancer 27%

  • Lung cancer 26%

  • Renal cancer 23%

  • Small bowel cancer 22%


  • Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 20%

  • Myelocytic leukemia 20%

  • Myeloma 20%

  • Colon cancer 16%

  • Head and neck tumor 15%

  • Rectal cancer 13%

  • Bladder cancer 13%

  • Breast cancer 10%

However, the risk of melanoma will increase slightly, so sunscreen is also a must.

Which sport is the best?

Outdoor aerobic exercise.

For example, walking in the forest, walking in the park, climbing mountains, hiking in the countryside, running, swimming, football, basketball, tennis, shadowboxing... You can breathe fresh air, especially after rain, there will be more negative air ions produced in the forest, near the mountain waterfalls, and at the seaside.

Therefore, walking in the forest after the rain can make you feel relaxed and happy. While you feel happy, your immunity has also been improved.

Move, and you will win!

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