Three small actions after meals to prevent blood vessel blockage

Three small actions after meals to prevent blood vessel blockage
00:54, May 17, 2018 Family Doctor Online

Blood vessels are all over the body and are important pipelines for blood circulation. If the pipe is blocked? What will happen to human health? Of course it's serious. So what will clog the blood vessels? Is it garbage, toxin, or metabolic waste? All right, the culprit of the blockage is the fat you and I take in daily, including fat and fat like substances.

Lipids, such as cholesterol, accumulate in blood vessels for a long time, which is easy to cause plaque in arteries. If this plaque breaks, it will form thrombus , blocking blood vessels, leading to a series of subsequent serious diseases, such as cerebral infarction miocardial infarction

Of course, there is no need to worry too much about fat blocking blood vessels. As long as you insist on doing these four small movements after meals, you can ensure that blood vessels are unblocked.

1. Turn one's ankle

Practice: sit on a chair, touch the ground with your toes, and rotate around your ankles. Once in the morning and once in the evening, 30 seconds each time.

Efficacy: There are many acupoints everywhere in the body, including around the ankle bone. The acupoints in this part are the hub for the movement of qi and blood. Proper rotation and stimulation can promote blood circulation and prevent gastrointestinal, heart and kidney diseases.

2. Turn the knee

Practice: Sit in a chair or stand on the ground, feet together, hands pressing knees. Make two 30 turns clockwise and counterclockwise.

Efficacy: Turning the knee can enhance the strength of leg muscles, increase the flexibility of lumbar, knee and ankle joints, promote blood circulation, reduce venous compression, and prevent lower limbs varicosity But there are arthritis The elderly should be careful not to aggravate arthritis.

3. Massage the calf

Practice: naturally bend your legs, bend down and massage your calves 10-15 times.

Efficacy: Since the main artery of the human body passes through this position, proper massage can promote the blood circulation of the legs and avoid the accumulation of lipids in the blood vessels.

What habits can cause blood vessel blockage?

1. Bad diet

When the human body ingests too much nutrition and the metabolism cannot discharge excess lipids and nutrients in time, these substances will stay in the blood vessels and deposit on the blood vessel walls. In addition to blocking blood vessels, it will also increase blood viscosity and cause thrombosis.

2. Long term smoking

Data shows that as long as there is more than 10 years of smoking history, there will be obvious atherosclerosis Even if you quit smoking successfully, it will take 10 years to repair the damage to the vascular endothelium.

3. Stay up late

When people stay up late, they will continue to secrete adrenaline, which will lead to abnormal vasoconstriction, slow down the blood flow and increase the burden of blood vessels.

Finally, Professor Xu Yawei, chief physician of Cardiovascular Department of Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital, reminded that at present, about 46% of the total mortality rate of the population is caused by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. and Thrombotic diseases It is a disease that has a certain probability of recurrence even after it is cured, so the public had better form a good habit to prevent vascular blockage.

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