White collar people sit for a long time and suffer from five diseases

White collar people sit for a long time and suffer from five diseases
01:43, May 17, 2018 Family Doctor Online

White collar is an enviable job. In the office, enjoy air conditioning and heating without being exposed to the sun and rain. However, in a comfortable environment, white-collar workers are also threatened by health. The most direct killer is sitting for a long time!

The report of the World Health Organization clearly points out that every year, more than 2 million people suffer from various diseases due to sitting for a long time and lack of enough exercise, which eventually leads to death. among heart disease hypertension prostatitis cervical spondylopathy Colorectal cancer is the five most common symptoms of white-collar workers who suffer from sitting for a long time.

  heart disease

Relevant studies have pointed out that the blood circulation of sedentary people is slower than that of normal people, and the blood consistency is higher. And because of sitting for a long time, the myocardial contraction becomes weak, Arteriosclerosis coronary heart disease It will gradually appear, especially the risk of coronary heart disease attack is about 4 times higher than that of ordinary people.


Sitting for a long time will reduce the blood volume of the whole body blood vessels, weaken the heart function, lead to insufficient blood supply in the chest, promote the reduction of cardiopulmonary function, aggravate emphysema infection, delay recovery, and cause hypertension and other diseases in advance.


According to the statistical data report of grass-roots clinics, about 70% of patients in urology clinics are prostatitis patients, and more than half of them are taxi drivers or office white-collar workers. Because these two kinds of occupations often need to sit for a long time and cannot exercise, as time goes by, the weight of the upper body oppresses the prostate, resulting in abnormal blood circulation, accumulation of too much metabolic waste, obstruction of the prostate gland tube, and inability to discharge glandular fluid normally, resulting in chronic congestion of the prostate and eventually leading to anterior adenitis.

   cervical spondylopathy

Many people know that sitting for a long time can easily lead to cervical spondylosis. Because when sitting for a long time, the head will tend to bend forward, increasing the pressure of the neck blood vessels, making the neck muscles in a tense state, and the blood circulation is not smooth, thus reducing the blood supply of the brain. Over time, the cervical vertebra will be formed hyperosteogeny , calcification of cervical ligaments, rigidity and straightness of cervical spine, and finally evolved into different types of cervical spondylosis.

   Colon cancer

For people who have been sitting in the office for a long time, the intestinal peristalsis speed is slower than that of normal people. Carcinogens in feces stay in the colon to stimulate the intestinal mucosa. In addition, the blood circulation in the abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity is not smooth, leading to the decline of intestinal immune function.

Chen Zuhui, Deputy Chief Physician of the Infection Control Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, solemnly reminded that sitting for a long time is harmful to the body, and white-collar workers who sit for a long time might as well try these three moves.

1. When you are sitting for a long time, you can do some in situ exercises properly, such as small leg exercises, massage or simply pat the legs.

2. Try to keep sitting for about an hour, get up and exercise your muscles and legs and kick your feet.

3. No matter how busy you are, you should also pay attention to replenishing water to prevent the blood from being too thick and affecting the blood circulation.

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