Different colors of urine hide big health secrets

Different colors of urine hide big health secrets
03:02, May 14, 2018 Health Times

Urine is not always light yellow. Different colors mean different things. Be alert when urine of different colors appears!



Light yellow: normal urine

The urine of normal people is light yellow, containing water and trace inorganic salts, urea and uric acid, and basically free of sugar and protein. The urine is clear and free of foreign matter, except for the ammonia smell, which will disappear quickly even if there are bubbles.


Transparency: diabetes , chronic nephritis Diabetes insipidus

Colorless urine may be diabetes Chronic interstitial nephritis If the signal of diabetes insipidus is not caused by too much drinking water, attention should be paid to identification and timely medical treatment.


Brown: myolysis

Exercise will cause muscle damage, which is very normal, but excessive exercise will cause cell damage, and the myoglobin in the cell will enter the blood, and the urine will show abnormal dark brown.

People who do not exercise or exercise less at ordinary times must avoid a large amount of strenuous exercise in a short period of time, pay attention to the amount of exercise whenever and wherever, and timely supplement water, sugar and salt, never dehydrate, do not let the body too tired. ①


White: strong urine Chyluria Saline urine

Purulent urine is caused by severe pyogenic infection of urinary tract, and the urine is milky white. Purulent urine can be seen in pyelonephritis, cystitis, renal abscess urethritis , or serious Renal tuberculosis Chyluria is filariasis One of the main symptoms of diabetes is that the urine is as white as milk. Salt urine mostly occurs in children, and the urine is like rice soup.

Salt urine can be cured without medicine. The key is to drink more white water.


Yellow: food or drug pigment

Yellow urine refers to yellow or dark yellow urine. The reasons are eating carrots, taking riboflavin, dysentery, metronidazole, rhubarb and other Chinese and western medicines.

Once you stop taking it, it will disappear immediately, without much consideration.


Dark brown: liver and gallbladder diseases

It turns out that there are two ways for bile to flow out: one from the urine and the other from the intestines. When the liver or gallbladder is diseased and the bile to the intestinal tract is cut off, it can only be discharged from the urine. The urine is also dark yellow due to the increase of bile content.

   hepatitis In the early stage, we often see that the color of urine is like strong tea, which is often a signal of hepatitis.


Blue: caused by taking medicine

Blue urine is mostly related to taking medicine, such as taking diuretic aminopteridine, injecting methylene blue or taking methylene blue, indigo carmine, creosote, etc.

This kind of blue urine caused by taking medicine belongs to the normal appearance, so there is no need to worry too much.


Green: bacteria breeding

When Pseudomonas aeruginosa grows in the urine, or bilirubin urine is placed too long and oxidized to biliverdin.

Light green urine is mostly seen after taking a lot of anti-inflammatory drugs.


Red: urological diseases

People over 50 years old have visible or significant microscopic hematuria, suggesting that there is a pathological change in the urinary system, especially the sudden occurrence of painless hematuria, most of which is caused by ulceration and bleeding due to tumor erosion of the urine drainage pipeline.

When there is long-term hematuria and no signs of improvement when urinating, you must go to the hospital immediately to check the urinary system, so as not to delay the treatment opportunity.


Whitening after urination: prostatitis

The white secretion that flows out is prostatic fluid. Excessive drinking, getting cold, perineum injury, and abnormal sexual life can lead to prostatic congestion and blood stasis.

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