Learn the Ten Tips of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Learn the Ten Tips of Traditional Chinese Medicine
01:38, May 14, 2018 Shanxi Evening News

Now is a good time to nourish and protect the liver, especially for those who often stay up late, smoke and drink. Li Guoyan, director of the Department of Prevention and Protection of Taiyuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, combed out 10 methods of TCM liver protection, hoping to give you some help.

Method 1


Practice: stand upright, hold empty fists with both hands, and gently knock the top of the head with both fingers. When kowtowing, only the wrist joint can move, not the elbow joint can extend and bend in a large degree. With both hands, gently tap from the forehead to the middle and back, and then repeatedly tap from the back pillow to the left and right top edges of the forehead. The number of times of knocking depends on the person. Generally, the conscious fatigue stops.

Interpretation: The head is the meeting of all Yang meridians. Six of the twelve Yang meridians of the human body are distributed on the head and face. At the same time, the forehead of the foot jueyin liver meridian reaches the summit and meets the governor vessel. The foot shaoyang gallbladder meridian runs on the side of the head. The commonly used point for health care - Baihui point is also located in the middle of the head. Therefore, knocking on the head with moderate force can stimulate the qi and blood circulation of the liver and gallbladder meridians, and at the same time, stimulate the yang qi.

Method 2

comb one 's hair

Method: comb your hair with a wooden comb once a day for 3-5 minutes each time. First, comb the hair along, then comb the hair in a straight direction, then comb it in a reverse direction, and then comb it along. When combing, the force should be even and appropriate, and not too strong, to avoid scratching the scalp.

Interpretation: Combing hair can not only stimulate local blood circulation, but also stimulate the points of the Liver Gallbladder Channel, regulate liver qi and benefit liver blood. For chronic liver disease with bias headache , dizziness tinnitus Patients with symptoms such as knocking and combing their hair are particularly effective.

Method 3

Bowing and chest enlargement

Practice: naturally separate your feet, put your hands on your hips, bend left and right for 30 times, then lean forward and backward for 30 times, and then expand your arms several times.

Interpretation: The action of moving the waist on the side can dredge the qi and blood of the liver and gallbladder meridians. The chest expansion exercise can help the lungs breathe in the clear qi and exhale the turbid qi by fully stretching the chest, which is conducive to the smooth flow of the liver and gallbladder qi in combination with the action of the waist.

Method IV

High five

How to do it: raise your hands horizontally, straighten your arms at a 90 degree right angle to your body, straighten your fingers and separate them, and then give high fives. Pay attention to exerting force to make the palm sound and feel pain. Generally, about 20 times is the degree.

Interpretation: The hand acupuncture therapy based on the holographic medical concept and the meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine believes that each organ tissue of the human body has its corresponding reflection points in the palms of both hands. By stimulating the palms of both hands, it can play a role in regulating the qi and blood of the whole body.

Method V

Bathing hands

Practice: take the customary posture, eliminate distractions, calm the mind and concentrate, do not listen, and do not look strabismus , meaning to keep the elixir field, and rubbing the hands together from slow to fast.

Interpretation: Chronic liver disease patients often suffer from stagnation of liver qi, blood stasis and obstruction of collaterals. The stagnation of qi and blood stasis leads to the failure of yang qi to reach the end of the fourth phase. Therefore, many people will suffer from the symptoms of hand and foot warming and fear of cold limbs. By such actions as high fives and hand baths, not only the movement of qi and blood in the whole body can be adjusted, but also the blood circulation in the hands can be improved, so as to alleviate the local symptoms of the hands.

Method VI

Ear rubbing

Method: There are many points on the auricle. Use the index finger, middle finger and ring finger of both hands to rub the auricle back and forth to stimulate the points distributed on the auricle. The number of times depends on each person's situation, generally about 20 times.

Interpretation: Liver and gallbladder are mutually exterior and interior. Patients with chronic liver disease often have symptoms of liver and gallbladder dampness and heat, such as costal pain abdominal distention Anorexia, short and red urine, etc. can stimulate auricular points, which can relieve liver and gallbladder dampness and heat.

Method 7

Knead dough

Practice: When bathing, place the hot hand on the face, and rub the middle fingers of both hands from the forehead along both sides of the nose to both sides of the nose repeatedly until the face is hot. Generally about 20 times, then close your eyes and massage your eyes and surroundings with your fingertips.

Interpretation: There are many acupoints distributed on the head and face, such as Yingxiang Point (in the nasolabial groove at the outer edge of the nose), Sibai Point (an inch below the eye as the infraorbital hole), etc. Rubbing the face with warm hands can also improve the digestive tract symptoms of patients with chronic liver disease. The liver opens its orifices to the eyes, so the pathological changes of the eyes often reflect the conditions of the liver. Stimulate the acupoints around the eyes, improve the circulation of qi and blood around the eyes, and also react on the liver meridians to protect and nourish the liver.

Method VIII

Rub the neck

How to do it: stretch the index finger, middle finger and ring finger of both hands, rub the wind pool (the depression on both sides below the occipital bone) and Fengfu point (the middle of the back hairline of the neck is 1 inch up) at the back of the neck with force, from light to heavy, to fever, generally about 20 times.

Interpretation: Massaging two acupoints can cure headache, dizziness apoplexy , strong neck pain and other diseases caused by the internal movement of liver wind.

Method 9

Lip constriction breathing

Practice: stand upright, put your hands on your hips, and take abdominal breath. Inhale first, pause for a moment, then shrink your lips, do not use force, and exhale slowly until you have vomited out. Then take a deep breath, and repeat several times to more than ten times.

Interpretation: Lip contraction breathing can improve the ventilation status of the body and exercise the respiratory muscles. By exercising the lungs, we can also prevent the occurrence of related complications.

Method X

take a walk

Practice: Walking refers to walking leisurely and freely.

Interpretation: If the liver is healthy, the limbs and joints can move freely; With liver injury and muscle and vein involvement, patients can not participate in high-intensity exercise like healthy people. Leisure walking is a scientific and reasonable activity mode for patients with chronic liver disease. When walking, qi and blood are distributed around the body, which can significantly improve the stagnation of qi and blood. At the same time, when walking, you can bathe in the sun or look far, which can nourish the liver, brighten the eyes, and smooth the mood.

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