Junk sleep is more terrible than insomnia

Do you feel you have enough sleep when you wake up every morning? Some people fall asleep when they touch a pillow, but when they wake up, they feel lethargic and powerless... Scientists believe that these "garbage sleeps", which "sleep is sleepless", are even more than insomnia It's terrible. How much sleep does it take to be healthy? How to stay away from poor sleep? We will discuss this topic together.

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Is your sleep like garbage?

Snoring does not mean good sleep, and sleep violence is also very bad, and oversleeping may lead to a high mortality rate... A Japanese study has shown that people who sleep 7 hours a day can live the longest, and the more they sleep, the higher the mortality rate. If they sleep more than 9 hours a day, they may have physical problems. As the basis of survival, sleep is closely related to our life.

Over the years, sleep experts around the world have been looking for a sleep rule that is truly suitable for human beings. In addition to the "secret of the biological clock" that won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, scientists have made many different discoveries on the path of sleep research. For example, according to the report of the National Institutes of Health, people who get 8 hours of sleep every night respond best. If they only get 6 hours of sleep every night for two consecutive weeks, they are forced to "stay up all night" for two nights. The surprising thing about the study is that people who sleep for 6 hours every night think they have enough sleep. In fact, their physical function and cognition are getting worse and worse unconsciously. Although they do not feel sleepy, their functional response will get worse and worse.

Sleeping too little is not good for health, and sleeping too much is not good. A while ago, it was the annual "World Sleep Day". The concept of "junk sleep", which was obtained by the British Sleep Council after investigation, again aroused heated debate in the academic community. "JUNK SLEEP" corresponds to "JUNK FOOD", specifically referring to the problem of insufficient sleep time and low sleep quality.

If your situation meets the following points, unfortunately, your sleep may also be classified as "garbage".

  1。 Sleeping while watching TV, listening to music or playing video games;

  2。 Force yourself to go to bed and get up in the morning according to the "time point", and the time "point" is always adjusted;

  3。 When he wakes up naturally, he wants to "get out of bed again" to force him to extend his sleep time;

  4。 Do not sleep at night, make up for sleep during the day, and make up for sleep on weekends;

  5。 Work pressure is high, you need to work overtime at night, and fall asleep immediately after high intensity work.

Expert voice

"Junk sleep" affects brain "waste discharge"

As we all know, every organ in the human body needs to rest, and the brain is the most hardworking organ in the human body. Other organs have a lymphatic system to remove body garbage, while the brain does not. Recent research shows that the brain will clear waste along the blood vessels between the brain spines when sleeping, and only when sleeping will the brain clear.

This statement coincides with the concept of "garbage sleep". Do people who do not sleep well really have "garbage" in their minds? On this topic, we interviewed Pan Jiyang, director of the Department of Psychiatry of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University and director of the Sleep Medical Center. He told the reporter that the "brain garbage" mentioned in the study actually refers to the metabolic waste in the brain, which is the expression of "sleep can increase the function of the excretion of metabolites".

"Research shows that during awakening, the metabolic waste generated by cells will accumulate in the intercellular fluid; while during sleep, the cerebrospinal fluid will flow into the brain tissue along the periarterial space, constantly exchange with the interstitial fluid in the brain, and bring the metabolic waste of the intercellular fluid to the venous space, and then discharge out of the brain," explained Director Pan, "That is to say, the metabolites in the brain are constantly accumulating during the day, and the brain can efficiently remove the metabolites during sleep, thus restoring vitality."

All animals need to sleep, as does the complex system that maintains the stability of the internal environment. If there is no sleep, the system will lose its balance, which will lead to serious consequences. Director Pan said, "After several consecutive days of sleep deprivation, people will have strong drowsiness, fatigue, irritability, emotional instability, loss of fine work ability and disorientation. About 80% of the subjects will also have hallucinations and auditory hallucinations; when sleep deprivation exceeds 100 hours, these symptoms will become significantly worse."

"Deprivation" sounds sad. Whether active or passive, we are troubled if we cannot sleep well. With the extension of deprivation time, people's ability to work and operate will become lower and lower, especially when they are engaged in repetitive and monotonous work for a long time, they will be sluggish, often make mistakes, and even cause accidents. How to solve "worry"? Director Pan said that once allowed to sleep

"Junk sleep", such as junk food,

Is the killer of human health

Sleeping too little or too much is not good. Even if the sleep time is guaranteed, it does not mean that your sleep is good. The so-called "garbage sleep", in short, refers to the unsatisfactory sleep time and quality. In our era of faster and faster pace of life, is the phenomenon of "garbage sleep" increasing compared with the past?

"The phenomenon of 'junk sleep' is really increasing and getting more and more serious. This is mainly due to the addiction to online games, playing mobile phones, watching videos, and the need to stay up late to work at night and work under great pressure, and Sleep disorders The number of patients has increased. " Director Pan said that in daily life, middle schools and college students are vulnerable to the temptation of mobile phones and online games and cannot sleep on time, which leads to "garbage sleep", resulting in poor daytime energy, low learning efficiency, reduced academic performance and low physical resistance; However, people who work at night or stay up late to work overtime are also prone to "garbage sleep" due to irregular sleep wake time, which affects work efficiency and health.

"Junk sleep" and "junk food" were once the two major killers of teenagers' health style. Worryingly, this sleep style has gradually evolved from teenagers to white-collar workers in the workplace, middle-aged people, and even the elderly. In addition to habit alopecia The sudden emergence of beer belly, the constant neglect of things, and the loud snoring... The harm of "garbage sleep" to our health is more serious than we thought.

"Most patients with sleep disorders, such as insomnia nightmare Obstructions, obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome, restless legs syndrome, sleep disorders caused by substances or drugs, etc., all have problems such as decreased sleep quality. There is no doubt that 'junk sleep' will greatly affect our physical and mental health, as well as our daily life and work ability. " Director Pan said.

It's not difficult to have a good sleep. In addition to reducing dependence on electronic products before going to bed, it also includes not staying in bed, not drinking coffee after 4:30 p.m., not taking too much protein after 9:00 p.m., and not drinking alcohol before going to bed. If you can't sleep, don't lie down hard, get up and do something easy, and then try to sleep again.

The symptoms can be gradually relieved.

Topic extension

People with insomnia should not take a nap

Naps are popular in China. Many enterprises and schools will adjust their working or school hours in winter and summer to facilitate naps. However, in Western society, napping was once considered as a sign of "laziness, weakness or disease", and many foreign children did not have the habit of taking a nap. However, in recent years, many studies have shown that a proper nap can effectively restore physical strength, improve work and learning efficiency, promote the integration of memory, and promote physical and mental health.

Not everyone has the habit of taking a nap. What we are curious about is whether taking a nap is necessary for everyone?

"From a professional point of view, siesta is not necessary for everyone because it is related to whether there is a siesta habit, whether there is a siesta opportunity, climate and season, age and other factors. With the increase of age, people's overall sleep time gradually decreases, and the physiological demand for daytime sleep also decreases." Director Pan told reporters, Some studies have found that the frequency and length of afternoon naps of healthy adults aged 20 to 50 decrease with the increase of age; The frequency and length of naps after 50 years old increased with age.

Sleep has certain health standards in terms of "time". The British Sleep Association recommends that the best sleep time is 14-15 hours for infants aged 1-12 months, 12-14 hours for children aged 1-3, 10-12 hours for children aged 3-6, 10-11 hours for children aged 7-12, 8-9 hours for adolescents aged 12-18, 7-9 hours for adults aged 18-65, and 7-8 hours for those aged over 65. Director Pan said that the more "time" for sleeping is not the better, it should be moderate. A large number of studies have shown that too long sleep will increase the morbidity and mortality of diseases, especially for the elderly.

In addition, there are also surveys that show that the nap time gradually decreases with age. "Recent studies have unanimously agreed that a long nap will lead to a decline in productivity, sleep inertia, and even increase the morbidity and mortality of diseases, especially in the elderly. Therefore, it is recommended that the nap time should not be too long, and less than one hour is more appropriate."

Director Pan said, "Although some studies show that napping has no significant impact on night sleep, I believe that to ensure the quality of night sleep, people with insomnia should not take a nap."

Article and picture/Huang Lan, a reporter from Guangzhou Daily

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