What happens to the brain when you laugh

06:30, December 8, 2015    Knowledge is power Collect this article      

People find that laughter not only brings happiness to people, but also makes us feel more healthy. Isn't there a saying "Smile, ten years old"! Does laughter really make people young? What's the scientific basis for my sincere disbelief? It is estimated that our lovely scientists would not believe it, otherwise, the following article would not have! Today, let's see what happens in our brains when people laugh?

   Some can't help laughing. It's related to brain control

Scientists have found that certain areas of the brain can control and affect our laughter behavior. For example, a place called the auxiliary motor area is closely related to laughter. If you can stimulate this place, you will feel happy and laugh. There is a similar situation in other places. There is a disease called smirk attack, which is the result of hypothalamus stimulation. For example, when a brain tumor happens to grow near the hypothalamus, the tumor becomes a stimulus, and the patient will laugh uncontrollably. In December 2006, a scientific magazine described the case of a Japanese patient. The 65 year old woman could not stop laughing. Brain scan images showed that some areas of her brain stem were abnormal, which led to this abnormal smile.

   Mystery of tickling yourself without laughing

Scratching is another reason that makes us laugh. It is the result of our nerve endings responding to external stimuli, which are completed by others tickling our skin. "If you experience laughter while scratching, you must feel relaxed and you feel safe," said Professor Sphen Spielberg, a medical expert at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, "When tickling, there must be unpredictable factors to make you laugh. For example, you don't know when and where to tickle, which is why we can't tickle ourselves to make ourselves laugh."

   Laugh to cure depression and heart disease

A doctor in India even organized a "laughing club". He used laughter to release people's mental pressure and restore the weak to health. Scientists believe that laughter can really move the muscles between ribs and abdomen to make them move. However, is there really any evidence that laughter can cure diseases?

Freud believed that laughter was a release of fear, anxiety and aggression. Many people believed that Freud was right. In the journal of the American Physiological Association, scientists published an article about their experiment. They asked 16 volunteers to watch a comedy video for an hour. As a result, the secretion of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline in these people's bodies slowed down, while the hormones that promote immune function, such as endorphin and human growth hormone, increased. In the process of watching comedy, laughter releases people's mental pressure, so the reduction of stress hormones just proves Freud's point of view. Another experiment was carried out by researchers at the University of Maryland. They asked 20 young volunteers to watch movies. The results showed that when these people watched comedy movies, their brachial artery blood flow, that is, the blood flow of the main blood vessels of the upper limbs, increased, but when they watched ordinary movies, there was no such change. Experiments show that among 20 people, 19 people who laugh because of watching comedy movies have increased the degree of vasodilation.

   Laughter can cure disease or prolong life!

Laughter can affect our bodies, but does this mean that people should enter the training classes and clubs of laughter and laugh three times a day or once before dinner? The answer of scientists is no, because the current research and experiments on laughter are not sufficient, and scientists have not yet reached any definite conclusion that laughter can be used to treat diseases. Because people's personalities, social conditions and growth experiences are all different, it is difficult to resolve the interference of these factors to the final results in the experiment. Dr. Harry Warchell, a physiologist at the University of Bristol, UK, opposes any over propaganda against laughter. He said, "No disease can be cured with laughter."

In this view, before there is conclusive evidence that regular laughter can prolong life, the role of laughter in promoting health will continue to be debated, and the benefits of deliberate and artificial laughter need further research. Scientists generally believe that laughter is a very natural mechanism. In social life, it helps us maintain a friendly and harmonious state in communication and exchange. Christie Davis, a sociologist, believes that "laughter is a kind of social noise, which is made by people, but people are not always aware of it."

From this point of view, the benefits of laughter still come from people's intuition. However, although it has no magic power to cure all diseases, it has no adverse effects and can improve our quality of life. So why not.

Author: Zhang Weicheng

Article keywords: brain laugh Freud

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