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Disease profile

  • Disease name: diabetes
  • Part: whole body
  • Department: Endocrinology Department
  • Symptoms and signs: polyuria, polydipsia, polydipsia, weight loss, fatigue, and vision loss.

Prevention of diabetes

1. Primary prevention refers to non selective prevention of individuals susceptible to diabetes or the whole population, and mainly refers to all activities to prevent or reduce the occurrence of diabetes by changing environmental factors and lifestyle. Such as properly limiting energy intake, avoiding obesity, promoting normal weight and encouraging more physical activities. The implementation of this preventive measure generally requires the high attention of the state, the government and the health department. As a national policy, we should mobilize the majority of medical and health personnel and use the mass media to carry out extensive and thorough social publicity and education, improve people's basic knowledge about diabetes, understand the harmfulness and severity of diabetes and its complications, so as to achieve the desired effect.

2. Secondary prevention takes the high-risk population of type 2 diabetes (mainly including family history of diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity or overweight over 40 years old, and gestational diabetes) as the survey object, and focuses on the early detection of recessive type 2 diabetes and glucose metabolism disorders [impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or impaired fasting glucose (IFG) or (IGTIFG)] The early intervention treatment and management of the population should be carried out in a timely manner to prevent or reduce the occurrence of diabetic complications, especially to prevent or delay the progression of the population in the pre diabetic stage (including IGT or IFG or IGTIFG) to type 2 diabetes. At present, it is widely believed that IGT is a transitional stage for the development of type 2 diabetes, sometimes called "pre diabetes". According to the research report of the International Diabetes Federation, almost all patients with type 2 diabetes must go through the IGT stage before onset. Globally, the prevalence of IGT varies greatly among different ethnic groups, ranging from 3% to 20%. Like type 2 diabetes, The incidence of IGT increases with age, and is related to weight gain or obesity and lack of physical activity. The positive family history of type 2 diabetes is a strong risk factor for IGT. In addition, intrauterine malnutrition, low birth weight infants and low birth weight infants one year after birth also indicate that the possibility of IGT in the future is increased at the age of 40-60. In addition, it is believed that the increase of blood triglycerides is related to IGT, However, the causal relationship between the two has not yet been determined. The prevalence of IGT in China is 2.5%~4.2%, and 2%~14% of IGT patients in various countries may become type 2 diabetes every year. General literature reports that 19%~60% of IGT patients will become type 2 diabetes mellitus in 5~10 years. It is reported that the annual conversion rate of IGT to type 2 diabetes in China is 7.7%~8.95%. On the other hand, the study also found that in addition to abnormal glucose metabolism, IGT patients are often accompanied by hyperinsulinemia and lipid metabolism disorder (high triglyceride, low HDL cholesterol Increased LDL cholesterol), hyperuricemia, hyperfibrinogenemia and fibrinolytic system dysfunction (such as increased activity of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and decreased activity of tissue plasminogen), which significantly increased the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular arteriosclerosis. In view of this, the intervention treatment for IGT population has been mentioned to an important position, with the main purpose of reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. At present, many diabetes research centers at home and abroad have listed the intervention treatment of IGT population as the main subject for multi center collaborative research. Intervention treatment mainly includes behavioral intervention and drug intervention.

3. Three level prevention is to prevent or delay the complications of diabetes patients who have been diagnosed through various means of comprehensive treatment, mainly for the occurrence and development of chronic complications.

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The doctor said

Li Qiang
Head of Department of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University

Early prevention of diabetes
With the improvement of life quality, a disease called "silent killer" has crept into our lives, that is, diabetes.
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