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Hubei Held the Exhibition of Provincial and Tibetan National Precious Ancient Books to Witness the Charm of Jingchu

November 15, 2023 15:35 | Source: People's Daily Online - Hubei Channel
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 In the Northern Song Dynasty, he wrote the Grand Sutra of Dafang Guangfo in Guanghui Temple in Jinshan. Photographed by Zhang Wei
In the Northern Song Dynasty, he wrote the Grand Sutra of Dafang Guangfo in Guanghui Temple in Jinshan. Photographed by Zhang Wei

People's Daily Online, Wuhan, November 15, by wire, "Jinsu Mountain Tripitaka" written in the Northern Song Dynasty, "Tongjian Chronicle" handed in in the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, "Shouyu Shenfang" printed in the early Ming Dynasty, and "Yellow Crane Tower Collection" printed in the Wuchang Mansion of the Wanli Dynasty of the Ming Dynasty... On November 15, the "Thousand Flowers in the Book House - Exhibition of National Precious Ancient Books in Hubei Province" was held in the Hubei Provincial Library, which is the largest exhibition in Hubei Province so far Precious ancient books exhibition with the best exhibits.

The oldest ancient book in this exhibition is the Dafang Guangfo Huayan Sutra written by the Jinsushan Guanghui Temple in the Northern Song Dynasty, which has a history of 1000 years; The Tongjian Chronicle, based on the engraving of the Song Dynasty and mended by the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, has a high value of edition; In the ninth year of Zhengde's reign (1514) of the Ming Dynasty, the engraved edition of the Chief of Rites and the Chief of Ceremonies, Shaowei Tongjian Festival, with the seal of "the treasure of Guangyun", is rare.

The ancient books on display in this exhibition are highly precious and have Jingchu characteristics. For example, the Ming Dynasty Wanli Wuchang Mansion's edition of the Yellow Crane Tower Collection was compiled by the magistrate of Wuchang, Sun Chengrong. It is the first ancient book in Chinese history that specifically collects poems and essays about the Yellow Crane Tower. It is rare in the world and has high literature value. For another example, Huguang was the most enfeoffment and establishment of vassals in the Ming Dynasty. Among them, 12 princes were enfeoffment in Hubei, and Chu vassals liked to carve books and collect books. This exhibition of the Ming Dynasty Jiajing 19th year (1540) Chufu Chongben Academy's engraving of Mr. Donglai's Ancient Chinese Key is the Ming Dynasty palace engraving; The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra, written in clay gold in the sixth year of Zhengde's reign in the Ming Dynasty (1511), is an old collection of the residence of Zhu Yougui, the father of Emperor Jiajing.

In addition, the famous manuscript "Shifutang Diary" displayed in the exhibition is the diary of Pi Xirui, a master of Confucian classics in the late Qing Dynasty, from the 18th to the 34th year of Guangxu period, and is an important historical material for studying his life, learning and thoughts; The paper printed version of the official document Shuowen Jiezi Zhuanyunpu by Li Xian in the Ming Dynasty shows the special form of the ancient book version, which is of high value.

Jingchu ancient books are voluminous. At present, the whole province has surveyed and registered more than 90000 books and more than 800000 volumes (pieces), of which 260 ancient books are included in the National Precious Ancient Books List and 384 are included in the Hubei Precious Ancient Books List. The exhibition is divided into three parts: Song Yuanbao Collection, Ming Zhenqian Collection and Qing Linlang Collection. In two exhibition halls, 150 precious ancient books selected by Hubei Province into national and provincial lists, as well as ancient books that can reflect the characteristics of Hubei Province are displayed in batches, including written books, manuscripts, transcripts, engraved books, printed copies, movable type books and many other types of editions. Official and private workshops and other book printing institutions are complete, which can be described as a thousand books, Colorful.

It is reported that this exhibition will last for one month until December 15. At the same time, Hubei Provincial Library will carry out a series of activities such as ancient book lectures, ancient book protection training classes, etc. (Zhou Tian, Zhu Jiayi)

(Editor in charge: Wang Guoji, Zhang Jun)

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