Popularity: 214333

Introduction: Stock market ATM

Stock buying :

$DR Wealth Trend sh688318 $Today

$DR Wealth Trend sh688318 $The gap of dozens of points left after today's stock dividend and ex dividend will certainly not be filled soon. From the daily level details, I think it should be increased a little first, then entered a weekly level, and then fully adjusted to fill in the gap

(0) | Reading number (10078) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Stock buying :

$ST Anxin sh600816 $from large level

$ST Anxin sh600816 $From the perspective of the large level moving average, the pressure line is very obvious, and the time and space for adjustment are enough. In the first half of 23 years, we must pull up to challenge 6 yuan

(2) | Reading number (2839) | share | Collection | Reply (2)
Stock buying :

#Insurance sector # belongs to the sector with the highest proportion of Chinese characters

#The insurance sector # belongs to the sector with the highest proportion of Chinese characters. In recent days, the performance is eye-catching. There are obvious signs of institutions entering the market. The $Tianmao Group sz000627 that built a warehouse at the end of the year has a taste of starting. This ticket has a relatively long low potential. Once it rises quickly, it will have a strong explosive force

(0) | Reading number (12040) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Stock buying :

$Paineng Technology sh688063 $Let's see

$Paineng Technology sh688063 $Let's see if the weekly line MA5 rebounds after the turning of its monthly line MA5 turns upward. It's such a tangled personal prediction. It's difficult to participate in the rebound

(0) | Reading number (800) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Stock buying :

$Wealth trend sh688318 $seen within the year

$Wealth trend sh688318 $300 seen within the year

(0) | Reading number (10590) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Stock buying :

The current difficulty of sci-tech innovation 50 is that the monthly line level meets the resistance line

The current difficulty of Science and Technology Innovation 50 lies in the fact that the monthly line level meets a small level of resistance line and needs to be resolved. The large amplitude of shock is also a feature of the science and technology innovation board. The main sectors of the science and technology innovation board include: semiconductor artificial intelligence, biotechnology, new energy, new materials, semiconductor and artificial intelligence, which have taken the lead in breaking through recently

(0) | Reading number (298) | share | Collection | Reply (1)
Stock buying :

China Satcom lost 3/4 of its positions yesterday and today

China Satcom cut 3/4 of its total positions yesterday and today. 1. The daily level has doubled

(0) | Reading number (277) | share | Collection | Reply (1)
Stock buying :

$GP Energy sz300438 $Two Observations

$GP Sz300438 $Two observation points: if the daily level falls a little more, can there be decline exhaustion and stop the decline? The time and space for weekly level adjustment are almost the same. To continue to fall, you need to first rebound and accumulate momentum. The three forces of the rebound section determine its subsequent

(0) | Reading number (2355) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Stock buying :

Today, the market held the lower edge of the platform, which was very tenacious

Today, the market held the lower edge of the platform, which was very tenacious, and the 5-minute level pattern was also good. Tomorrow's four 60 minute K lines are very critical. There is no choice but to go up. The 5 minute level can only go up and not go back to today's low point. These days, there is a fierce competition between the sky and the sky. The market is very promising. If many parties are clear

(0) | Reading number (124) | share | Collection | Reply (1)
Stock buying :

$Yinbaoshan New sz002786 $Small level

The $Yinbaoshan new sz002786 $sub level has confirmed that the decline will probably fall below the MA55 and drive the MA55 to repair downward after the acceleration of the daily line MA55 starts to turn downward

(0) | Reading number (2321) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Stock buying :

The position compensated by $BGI sz300676 $

The position of the $BGI sz300676 $replenishment is almost high. It's still early. Maybe it will be in the second half of the year after the completion of this wave of digital economy

March 3 come from BGI
(0) | Reading number (1179) | share | Collection | Reply (1)
Stock buying :

Complete the key technology on the hanging wall in 60 minutes

After the 60 minute level of the market completes this key technical action on the stock market, the daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly lines are all in a state where it is difficult for the empty side to cause trouble again. Then the empty side will gradually turn to more stocks before the index reaches 3700 points and wait to rise

Stock buying :

$China Telecom sh601728 $such a large

$China Telecom sh601728 $It's not easy to build such a large plate in half a year. Of course, the big increase of the plate is relatively limited. The main work is to do head shipment

(0) | Reading number (167) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Stock buying :

The beauty of the market performance this morning mainly depends on the financial pull index

The beautiful performance of the market this morning mainly depends on the financial pull index to cover the demand for small note adjustment. Attention should be paid to whether the small note and the financial pull back in the second half of the week will constitute a joint force of decline and rise

Stock buying :

$GP Energy sz300438 $On the weekly line

$GP energy sz300438 $weekly rising segment failed to record the MA5 turning point of the monthly line from high exhaustion to decline, and the possibility of closing below MA5 this month is greater. If the root closes below MA5, the MACD will turn strong and weak. Confirm the rising time from the perspective of recovery

(0) | Reading number (2386) | share | Collection | Reply (10)
Stock buying :

$Yinbaoshan new sz002786 $Our army begins

$Yinbaoshan new sz002786 $Our army starts to build ambush positions [Received]

(0) | Reading number (2318) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Stock buying :

$Yinbaoshan New sz002786 $Feel open

$Yinbaoshan new sz002786 $feels that it has begun to break away from the trend of the four-year consolidation segment. The technical indicators have been almost repaired. The weekly level A has hit a new record low, and B is slightly higher than A. Next, as long as the callback C is slightly higher than B, there is a greater probability that the consolidation segment will end and move into the slowly rising segment

(0) | Reading number (2354) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Stock buying :

$Zheshang Securities sh601878 $Purchase of Jiancang

The purchase of $Zheshang Securities sh601878 $has been adjusted for more than 2 years. The adjustment is sufficient, and K lines at all levels are in good shape. At present, the daily line has a breakthrough intention

(0) | Reading number (1897) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Stock buying :

$Soling shares sz002766 $CMS steam

The laws and regulations of $Soling Sz002766 $CMS auto electronic rear-view mirror were issued on December 29, 2022, and implemented on July 1, 23, which means that cars with cameras instead of glass mirrors will run on the road in the second half of this year. The replacement process is expected to last 2-3 years, and the annual replacement process is 20

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one two three four five six seven eight next page

Sina recommendation
Popularity ranking
Overall ranking | Daily ranking
author popularity follow
one Sina Financial Customer five hundred and fifty-nine million two hundred and sixty-six thousand four hundred and ninety-two +
two Hindsight two hundred million four hundred and thirty thousand five hundred and twenty-nine +
three I wish you five more seventy-six million four hundred and sixty-four thousand and seventy-eight +
four Shenguang Finance seventy-two million seven hundred and six thousand three hundred and twenty-seven +
five Bonus Practice forty-five million three hundred and eleven thousand five hundred and eighty +
six Outperform thirty-three million eight hundred and forty-six thousand and fifty-six +
seven Buy and sell thirty-three million four hundred and ninety-three thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight +
eight Love index _ Sniper twenty-nine million nine hundred and forty-seven thousand one hundred and eighty-four +
nine Morning Glory Captain twenty-eight million five hundred and eighty-five thousand seven hundred and one +
ten Ha ha Lazy Man God twenty-six million six hundred and eighty-two thousand eight hundred and ninety-three +
eleven Oriental Old Goat twenty-five million six hundred and ninety thousand five hundred and thirty-two +
twelve Liang Yaming VIP twenty-three million one hundred and eight thousand six hundred and ninety-five +
thirteen Wang Shiyi 168 twenty-two million eight hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and thirty-one +
fourteen Trend cruise twenty-one million three hundred and fifty-seven thousand one hundred and eighty-eight +
fifteen New thinking twenty million four hundred and ninety-four thousand seven hundred and thirty-five +
sixteen Zhiying Tianzun nineteen million four hundred and fifty-four thousand one hundred and six +
seventeen Fire nirvana eighteen million three hundred and seventy-two thousand seven hundred and seventy-six +
eighteen One of the biggest players in the stock market eighteen million two hundred and fifty-three thousand and fifty-seven +
nineteen Tian Yi Watches the Plate eighteen million one hundred and sixteen thousand and thirty-four +
twenty Jade name sixteen million nine hundred and seventy-two thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven +
author popularity follow
one Woshi five thousand six hundred and ninety-eight +
two The sky is high enough for me to fly one thousand three hundred and sixty +
three Surging news eight hundred and fifty-one +
four Ants 91 seven hundred and twenty-eight +
five Epileptic language of Yunnan people five hundred and eighty-five +
six Shenzhen County Magistrate four hundred and sixty-five +
seven Short line dragon pen four hundred and forty-four +
eight 36 krypton four hundred and thirty-three +
nine Xinhua four hundred and thirty-three +
ten Puchen's trend heart three hundred and seventy-seven +
eleven Shell Finance three hundred and fifty-nine +
twelve Global Finance three hundred and forty-eight +
thirteen Interface News three hundred and thirty-nine +
fourteen fyfyyyyy three hundred and ten +
fifteen DoNews three hundred and four +
sixteen ohGodMan two hundred and ninety-five +
seventeen Hefei Tower Fans two hundred and sixty-seven +
eighteen Kong Mingtang two hundred and thirty-three +
nineteen ZAKER two hundred and fourteen +
twenty Mobile users 30 one hundred and ninety +
Community ranking
Individual stock community | Theme Community
company degree of heat trend
one BYD one hundred and thirty-eight up
two Changshan Beiming one hundred and twenty up
three Guizhou Moutai one hundred and three up
four Shenzhen Huaqiang sixty-nine up
five Tianfeng Securities sixty-three up
six Maintenance transformer electrical fifty-four up
seven Silver Hero fifty-four up
eight CCCC Real Estate fifty-four up
nine Hongye Futures fifty-one up
ten Vanke A forty-eight up
eleven Shuangcheng Pharmaceutical forty-two up
twelve Datang Telecom thirty-six up
thirteen Wuming Kangde thirty-six up
fourteen citic securities thirty-three up
fifteen the pacific ocean thirty-three up
sixteen Huijin Technology thirty-three up
seventeen Haili Shares twenty-four up
eighteen Guohai Securities twenty-four up
nineteen Industrial and Commercial Bank of China twenty-four up
twenty Lingnan Shares twenty-one up
company degree of heat trend
one Global Index one hundred and sixty-eight up
two futures one hundred and thirty-five up
three plate_cn one hundred and eight up
four community forty-five up
five Global treasury bonds thirty-three up
six bond fifteen up
seven British shares six up
eight New Third Board three up
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