Popularity: 189655

INTRODUCTION: Sometimes I will ride the wind and waves, and I will sail straight to the sea. Alias: orange orange.

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Gu Youdan Absorbs Puzzles and Resumes :


God, for the first time in many years, the stock market saw a volume ticket of 5 billion transactions. Most of the properties in that year were just like this [Why]

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Gu Youdan Absorbs Puzzles and Resumes :

The travel was OK. Changbai Mountain has two boards

The travel was OK. Changbai Mountain was on the 2nd board. It was really bad. Unfortunately, I didn't participate

(0) | Reading number (3031) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Gu Youdan Absorbs Puzzles and Resumes :

Chendian International's bid of 6 million yuan and board explosion of 4 million yuan

Where did the six ten thousand hands that Chendian International bid for and the four ten thousand hands that exploded on the board come from? The pattern of underwater meat cutting will be painful soon

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Gu Youdan Absorbs Puzzles and Resumes :

I sold the faucet I love my house and chased a bunch of back seats

I sold the faucet I love my house and chased a lot of back rows. I'm really a turtle [covering my face]

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Gu Youdan Absorbs Puzzles and Resumes :

There are still 4 business days before the holiday

There are still 4 trading days before the holiday. You can start to try trading with the market. However, when buying tickets, you should check whether the performance report is disclosed, and be careful not to step on the thunder. At the beginning of the low altitude economic direction, it rose sharply. Zhongheng designed the ground and sky board, and Wan'an Technology accelerated its long legs. Wanfeng Aowei rose sharply. These votes gave confidence to the plate

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Gu Youdan Absorbs Puzzles and Resumes :

Strong performance of optical chip plate of optical communication

The strong performance of the optical chip plate of optical communication is essentially an expansion of the market of optical modules. Optical chips have high technical barriers and few domestic manufacturers can release high-end products. 100G EML (for 800G and 400G optical modules) products have been announced or are planned to be Yuanjie Technology and Changguang Huaxin (May

(0) | Reading number (964) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Gu Youdan Absorbs Puzzles and Resumes :

In terms of computing power, Nvidia GPU added orders

In terms of computing power, Nvidia GPU increased orders, and SMIC's capacity utilization rate increased month on month in the second quarter. According to the industry chain research, Nvidia's subsequent demand for GPU chips for ChatGPT and related applications increased significantly, and it urgently increased its reservation of CoWoS advanced packaging capacity to TSMC, which was about the same as the original forecast

(1) | Reading number (1913) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Gu Youdan Absorbs Puzzles and Resumes :

A big highlight of the market performance last Friday is

One of the big highlights of the market performance last Friday was that the semiconductor index, as a representative of science and technology, closed a large negative line. How should we treat this thread? Is the technology market over? The current position of the semiconductor index is different from that of the telecom operation index and the oil index

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Gu Youdan Absorbs Puzzles and Resumes :

Big technology is the mainstream this year

Big science and technology is the mainstream of this year. At present, the current cost performance ranking of TMT sub industries is: consumer electronics, semiconductor, IT services, electronic chemicals>digital media, games, communication equipment, software development>others. 1) In terms of valuation, first, from the quantile of P/E ratio, consumer electronics, semiconductor, communication equipment and

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Gu Youdan Absorbs Puzzles and Resumes :

Let me start with a few of my points of view, which will come first in the future

First of all, the theme speculation will shift from linking to the trend, similar to this wave of Haitian auspicious sound. The linking will prefer large volume targets, and will not speculate in small ways. For large funds, it will not make much money to buy one or two thousand yuan to get eight boards, while large volume targets are similar to the wave, and will work in the short term

(0) | Reading number (2831) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Gu Youdan Absorbs Puzzles and Resumes :

Tomorrow's trading plan: rising period, medium repair day

Tomorrow's trading plan: medium repair day in the rising period, only considering the number+space board. Theme, digital economy, new main line. Today, strong differences are in place. From the perspective of Annie and Jiuqi's software in the final session, tomorrow is going to be repaired, and it is predicted that the repair will be moderate. There are 3 digital space boards, and at least 2 of them can be promoted in advance. Time, breakfast.

(0) | Reading number (1023) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Gu Youdan Absorbs Puzzles and Resumes :

Tomorrow's trading plan: rising period, weak divergence day

Tomorrow's trading plan: weak divergence day in the rising period, leading safety day, continue to fight against the main line of consumption, and buy dragons in the divergence. Themes, mainline consumption, weak differences tomorrow, leading safety day. It is not ruled out that tomorrow is another morning difference, and then the same day. Even the strength of boards and high standards are in retail, and we will continue to look at the retail direction tomorrow. Time,

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Gu Youdan Absorbs Puzzles and Resumes :

The main line always makes people cry

The main line always brings tears to people's eyes, and it's amazing that Michael can also play the board. If you praise Renrenle today, you will get rich next year.

(0) | Reading number (1546) | share | Collection | Reply (1)
Gu Youdan Absorbs Puzzles and Resumes :

Tomorrow's trading plan: rising period, opening difference, turning to intra day repair day

Tomorrow's trading plan: the differences in the opening of the rising period will be transferred to the day to repair the day, and the subject will be separated from the main line consumption. Theme: Xi'an food itself has two attributes, consumption and multi wave. What fell today is a multi wave direction, digital, anti-virus fabric, and basically no loss of consumption direction. From the perspective of theme, Xi'an

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Gu Youdan Absorbs Puzzles and Resumes :

Tomorrow's trading plan: different days in ebb tide period, rest is better

Tomorrow's trading plan: during the ebb tide, it is better to have a rest on different days, or make a difference space board at noon. Theme: no shaping theme during the ebb tide. Time, lunch. Echelon, 2-in-3 or 1-in-2 space board. Individual stocks, such as Business Treasure and Tianshun Shares, are optimistic about these two stocks. Pay attention to the lack of success, and let the market choose them

(1) | Reading number (1406) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Gu Youdan Absorbs Puzzles and Resumes :

Tomorrow's trading plan: freezing point repair day

Tomorrow's trading plan: the freezing point repair day, making the theme turn weak to strong, as well as high standard crossing. Themes, real estate, street mice, people fear. It may mean that the adjustment is in place and it is time to repair it. Time, all day. Echelon, 4 to 5, 2 to 3. Individual stocks, Infineon, Cyclic Dragon. Figures similar to pagoda industry, repair

(0) | Reading number (1476) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Gu Youdan Absorbs Puzzles and Resumes :

Tomorrow's trading plan: Chaotic period after ebb tide

Tomorrow's trading plan: in the late ebb tide, chaos period, divergence day, only the third board of divergence of the new cycle dragon. Theme, national reform, new theme in ebb tide period, the space has reached the ceiling on Friday, and the expectation was fulfilled on Monday. Real estate, revolving theme, good delivery, different expectations on Monday. Time, all day. Echelon, in the clouds on Friday

Gu Youdan Absorbs Puzzles and Resumes :

Afternoon review: deviating from the index and stabilizing in shock

Afternoon comments: deviating from the index and stabilizing in shock. Emotion, there is a serious deviation in the space board. Yesterday, the board linking index was 4.44, strong repair; Middle stocks, two three boards all advanced; The front space board was repaired by Guangdong Media and became popular; There were more boards in the morning than yesterday; In this case, it is unscientific that all the two space plates are deep water

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Sina recommendation
Popularity ranking
Overall ranking | Daily ranking
author popularity follow
one Sina Financial Customer five hundred and fifty-four million four hundred and seven thousand nine hundred and sixty-one +
two Hindsight two hundred million four hundred and twenty-two thousand and ten +
three I wish you five more seventy-six million four hundred and fifty-five thousand and forty-six +
four Shenguang Finance seventy-two million seven hundred and five thousand four hundred and fifteen +
five Bonus Practice forty-five million three hundred and eleven thousand five hundred and eighty +
six Outperform thirty-three million eight hundred and thirty-nine thousand eight hundred and sixty-one +
seven Buy and sell thirty-three million four hundred and eighty-nine thousand three hundred and seventy-eight +
eight Love index _ Sniper twenty-nine million nine hundred and forty-five thousand five hundred and eighty +
nine Morning Glory Captain twenty-eight million five hundred and eighty-five thousand seven hundred and one +
ten Ha ha Lazy Man twenty-six million six hundred and seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty-seven +
eleven Oriental Old Goat twenty-five million six hundred and seventy-five thousand six hundred and forty-one +
twelve Liang Yaming VIP twenty-three million one hundred and eight thousand six hundred and ninety-five +
thirteen Wang Shiyi 168 twenty-two million eight hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and thirty-one +
fourteen Trend cruise twenty-one million three hundred and fifty-three thousand four hundred and twenty-six +
fifteen New thinking twenty million four hundred and ninety-four thousand seven hundred and thirty-five +
sixteen Zhiying Tianzun nineteen million four hundred and fifty-four thousand one hundred and six +
seventeen Fire nirvana eighteen million three hundred and seventy-two thousand seven hundred and seventy-six +
eighteen One of the biggest players in the stock market eighteen million two hundred and fifty-three thousand and fifty-seven +
nineteen Tian Yi Watches the Plate eighteen million one hundred and sixteen thousand and thirty-four +
twenty Jade name sixteen million nine hundred and seventy-one thousand two hundred and thirty-one +
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one BYD six up
two Guizhou Moutai three up
company degree of heat trend
one Global Index six up
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