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Niuge Investment Research :

$Century Dingli sz300050 $Open

$Century Dingli sz300050 $has opened the space for growth, and continues to track

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Niuge Investment Research :

Central line tracking $zero point counting sz301169$

Centerline tracking $Zero is available sz301169 $If you like the centerline, you can track it

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Niuge Investment Research :

A share market intraday short report weight and subject matter exchange is very intense!

A share market intraday short report weight and subject matter exchange is very intense! The trading volume in the opening ten minutes increased by more than 20 billion yuan, and the banking sector saw a rapid rise without turning red, which can be temporarily understood as the main self-help behavior. Pay close attention to the change of the yellow and white line of time sharing, and don't be blinded by the temporary decline. The bigger the decline in the morning, the more topics

Niuge Investment Research :

A-share, if you want to understand the time-sharing chart, the combination of volume and price is the key

A-share, if you want to understand the time-sharing chart, the combination of volume and price is the key. For this reason, I summarized the time-sharing turnover in 6 forms and shared them with you. I suggest you collect and save them. Generally speaking, a long volume column indicates that the market is active and has the main force to participate. The short measurement column reflects that the market transaction is quiet, and retail investors are the main ones

Niuge Investment Research :


Positive effect, limited effect - also on the recent move of the national team to buy Shanghai and Shenzhen index funds to protect the market Recently, market observers have noticed that the national team sometimes buys Shanghai and Shenzhen index funds, which is generally interpreted as an important measure to protect the market and boost investor confidence. However, in the complex and changeable

Niuge Investment Research :

Cash out every day

Cash out every day, and the biggest bubble in history is bound to collapse! Since August, Huang Renxun, the founder of Nvidia, has been accelerating cash out and selling almost every day. And crazy investors are constantly copying the bottom of Nvidia, and some people even think that Nvidia will exceed the market value of 10 trillion dollars. This is undoubtedly the largest bubble in history,

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Niuge Investment Research :

The A-share market is predicted that there will be 1000 gainers tomorrow! bright

The A-share market is predicted that there will be 1000 gainers tomorrow! Clear view: tomorrow, the market is seriously divided between February and August, and more than 4000 individual stocks are expected to fall, testing the support of the previous low. Today's rise in the market is barely and weakly. The differentiation of individual stocks in the sector and the difficulty of actual operation have further increased. Yesterday, almost

Niuge Investment Research :

A share: Get ready. History is repeating itself

A share: Get ready, history is repeating, and the big script is set for tomorrow Thursday! 1. To get straight to the point, today's market is simply a repeat of history. No matter how the market moves up and down, there is always no volume. Then there are all kinds of ups and downs in the market. The main reason is that mysterious funds do not allow the index to fall without a bottom line. From time to time

Niuge Investment Research :

Just woke up: the Federal Reserve kept interest rates unchanged! Powell said again

Just woke up: the Federal Reserve kept interest rates unchanged! Powell added that perhaps interest rates will be cut in September. The dot matrix is to fool the whole earth. If we don't explode East University, we will admit defeat if we cut interest rates. Then, another financial nuclear bomb began to detonate, and the yen raised interest rates! This is Japan's cooperation with the US emperor to shrink liquidity again. Over the past decade, the Japanese yen

Niuge Investment Research :

Today's afternoon stock market quick review (Monday

Today's quick review of the afternoon market (Monday, July 1) 1. Summary of the afternoon market Today's market continued to fluctuate and adjust. By the end of the day, the three major stock indexes rose and fell in different ways. The Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.31%, the Shenzhen Composite Index fell 0.54%, and the GEM Index fell 1.57%

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Niuge Investment Research :

Opening of the Double Sky of Fire and Ice

At the opening, the GEM turned green and fell 1% under the hit of Ning Wang! Today is the first day of market opening in the second half of the year. The market is still rebounding, and many large cycle sectors have started the rebound of capital inflows! Breeding plate, metal, real estate, power plate and many other plates are strong!

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Niuge Investment Research :

The stock market continued to fall today, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index was negative for five consecutive days

Today, the stock market continued to fall, with the Shanghai Composite Index falling for five consecutive days. The new official took office and introduced a series of favorable policies, but after working hard for more than half a year, the stock market returned to below 3000 points, which shows that the stock market is difficult and complex, and it is not easy to achieve a rise. To be honest, I can feel the management

Niuge Investment Research :

Moutai, which is really confused, must keep the price stable

Moutai, which is really in a mess, must keep the price stable. The speed of decline is a bit scary. Feitian loose bottles dropped 100 yuan a day. This is very scary. Because Maotai is full of funds and large institutions. The net value of the fund cannot be read. If the fund panic is triggered, the A-share market may be longer

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Niuge Investment Research :

Behind the collapse of Maotai belief for more than a month

For more than a month behind the collapse of the Maotai belief, the stock price of Guizhou Maotai (600519) has been falling all the way, from 1769.69 yuan on May 8 to 1555.01 yuan on June 13, hitting a two-and-a-half year low. This apparent sharp drop not only attracted wide attention from the market, but also

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Niuge Investment Research :

900000 principal challenge 10 times in one year (the 38th day)

The 900000 principal challenge has doubled 10 times in a year (the 38th day). Current capital: 1930857. Low absorption on Monday: Zhongfu Circuit 300814. At present, there are 14w profits. Low absorption on Wednesday: $Xingchen Technology sz301536 $. I will record the daily firm offer before shipping today. I believe

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Niuge Investment Research :

Small space for downward adjustment of shrinkage

The space for downward adjustment of shrinkage is not large, and the box for upward construction will vibrate. The latest data today shows that the domestic economy has been shaken and repaired. The U.S. economic growth has slowed down significantly compared with the end of last year. Inflation has cooled down, and interest rate reduction expectations have been raised. The three A-share indexes are in a dilemma. In the morning, the index rose and fell back, with a slight decline in volume. The Shanghai index fell 4 points, and the Shenzhen index fell

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Niuge Investment Research :

#Shanghai Stock Exchange Index (sh000001) [super words]#

#Shanghai Stock Exchange Index (sh000001) [Supermarket] # Today, the main A-share market sold 26.6 billion yuan, focusing on net sales of the main popular leaders, non-ferrous gold (Huayu Mining, Zijin Mining, Hunan Gold, Luoyang Molybdenum, North Copper), financial real estate (Vanke A, Jindi Group, China Merchants Shekou, Nong

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Niuge Investment Research :

A Brief Review of Today's Stock Market Closing (Tuesday

A brief review of today's stock market closing (Tuesday, May 28) 1. Summary of the closing The three major stock indexes of today were adjusted to the closing, among which the Shanghai Index fell 0.46%, the Shenzhen Composite Index fell 1.23%, and the GEM Index fell 1.35%. Whole market (including

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Niuge Investment Research :

A-share: strong new high

A-share: strong new high, perfect form! Tomorrow, May 10, the market trend is predicted to rise after the market opened low today. At the close, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose 0.83%, setting a new record again! The panel is completely in line with yesterday's prediction, and Professor Conve is very pleased. First of all, I made it clear that there was no gap in this Monday's upward jump

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Niuge Investment Research :

900000 principal challenge 10 times in one year (the 30th day)

The 900000 principal challenge has doubled 10 times in a year (the 30th day) Current capital: 1714489 Current shareholding: Sichuan Jinnuo 300505 Cut out: Shengtian Network 300494 for ticket exchange operation: Lanying Equipment 300293 I will record the daily firm offer, I believe that the firm offer must go forward

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one Sina Financial Customer five hundred and fifty-four million ninety-two thousand four hundred and five +
two Hindsight two hundred million four hundred and twenty-one thousand five hundred and seventy-three +
three I wish you five more seventy-six million four hundred and fifty-four thousand four hundred and seven +
four Shenguang Finance seventy-two million seven hundred and five thousand four hundred and fifteen +
five Bonus Practice forty-five million three hundred and eleven thousand five hundred and eighty +
six Outperform thirty-three million eight hundred and thirty-nine thousand and five hundred +
seven Buy and sell thirty-three million four hundred and eighty-nine thousand three hundred and seventy-eight +
eight Love index _ Sniper twenty-nine million nine hundred and forty-five thousand and thirty-three +
nine Morning Glory Captain twenty-eight million five hundred and eighty-five thousand seven hundred and one +
ten Ha ha Lazy Man twenty-six million six hundred and seventy-eight thousand and ninety-five +
eleven Oriental Old Goat twenty-five million six hundred and seventy-four thousand seven hundred and twenty +
twelve Liang Yaming VIP twenty-three million one hundred and eight thousand six hundred and ninety-five +
thirteen Wang Shiyi 168 twenty-two million eight hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and thirty-one +
fourteen Trend cruise twenty-one million three hundred and fifty-three thousand four hundred and twenty-six +
fifteen New thinking twenty million four hundred and ninety-four thousand seven hundred and thirty-five +
sixteen Zhiying Tianzun nineteen million four hundred and fifty-four thousand one hundred and six +
seventeen Fire nirvana eighteen million three hundred and seventy-two thousand seven hundred and seventy-six +
eighteen One of the biggest players in the stock market eighteen million two hundred and fifty-three thousand and fifty-seven +
nineteen Tian Yi Watches the Plate eighteen million one hundred and sixteen thousand and thirty-four +
twenty Jade name sixteen million nine hundred and seventy-one thousand two hundred and thirty-one +
author popularity follow
one Shoushan seventy-six thousand six hundred and forty-three +
two China News Network fourteen thousand seven hundred and six +
three Research_ two thousand three hundred and forty-nine +
four Pangewu City two thousand one hundred and ninety-three +
five Surging news eight hundred and fifty-one +
six Sima Xiaoxiao five hundred and seventy-one +
seven 36 krypton four hundred and thirty-three +
eight Puchen's trend heart three hundred and seventy-seven +
nine Boming fish jumping three hundred and sixty-three +
ten Global Finance three hundred and forty-eight +
eleven Interface News three hundred and thirty-nine +
twelve DoNews three hundred and four +
thirteen Taizhou Laozhu two hundred and ninety-five +
fourteen Logistics headlines two hundred and eighty-seven +
fifteen li87816886 one hundred and ninety-two +
sixteen Emotional speculation one hundred and ninety +
seventeen Mobile users 30 one hundred and ninety +
eighteen Pear video one hundred and seventy-six +
nineteen User 524136 one hundred and sixty-seven +
twenty People's Network one hundred and sixty-six +
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one Zoomlion three up
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