Popularity: 3247832

Profile: professional investor, well-known financial blogger.

Sina Personal Certification

Shareholder Mei Xiaosheng

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Sina recommendation
Popularity ranking
Overall ranking | Daily ranking
author popularity follow
one Sina Financial Customer five hundred and fifty-nine million five hundred and seventy-nine thousand six hundred and sixty-four +
two Hindsight two hundred million four hundred and thirty-one thousand and eighty-eight +
three I wish you five more seventy-six million four hundred and sixty-four thousand six hundred and eighty-two +
four Shenguang Finance seventy-two million seven hundred and six thousand three hundred and twenty-seven +
five Bonus Practice forty-five million three hundred and eleven thousand five hundred and eighty +
six Outperform thirty-three million eight hundred and forty-six thousand four hundred and sixty-two +
seven Buy and sell thirty-three million four hundred and ninety-four thousand two hundred and fifty-two +
eight Love index _ Sniper twenty-nine million nine hundred and forty-seven thousand five hundred and fifty-nine +
nine Morning Glory Captain twenty-eight million five hundred and eighty-five thousand seven hundred and one +
ten Ha ha Lazy Man God twenty-six million six hundred and eighty-three thousand and ninety-five +
eleven Oriental Old Goat twenty-five million six hundred and ninety-one thousand five hundred and seventy-three +
twelve Liang Yaming VIP twenty-three million one hundred and eight thousand six hundred and ninety-five +
thirteen Wang Shiyi 168 twenty-two million eight hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and thirty-one +
fourteen Trend cruise twenty-one million three hundred and fifty-seven thousand four hundred and thirty-nine +
fifteen New thinking twenty million four hundred and ninety-four thousand seven hundred and thirty-five +
sixteen Zhiying Tianzun nineteen million four hundred and fifty-four thousand one hundred and six +
seventeen Fire nirvana eighteen million three hundred and seventy-two thousand seven hundred and seventy-six +
eighteen One of the biggest players in the stock market eighteen million two hundred and fifty-three thousand and fifty-seven +
nineteen Tian Yi Watches the Plate eighteen million one hundred and sixteen thousand and thirty-four +
twenty Jade name sixteen million nine hundred and seventy-two thousand eight hundred and forty-two +
author popularity follow
one Woshi five thousand six hundred and ninety-eight +
two The sky is high enough for me to fly one thousand three hundred and sixty +
three Surging news eight hundred and fifty-one +
four Modest and gentlemanly eight hundred and twelve +
five Ants 91 seven hundred and twenty-eight +
six Epileptic language of Yunnan people five hundred and eighty-five +
seven Short line dragon pen four hundred and forty-four +
eight Xinhua four hundred and thirty-three +
nine A-share trend theory three hundred and seventy-seven +
ten Shell Finance three hundred and fifty-nine +
eleven Global Finance three hundred and forty-eight +
twelve fyfyyyyy three hundred and ten +
thirteen DoNews three hundred and four +
fourteen ohGodMan two hundred and ninety-five +
fifteen Hefei Tower Fans two hundred and sixty-seven +
sixteen Kong Mingtang two hundred and thirty-three +
seventeen Mobile users 30 one hundred and ninety +
eighteen Kind Dogw one hundred and eighty-six +
nineteen Calm as water one hundred and eighty-three +
twenty Pear video one hundred and seventy-six +
Community ranking
Individual stock community | Theme Community
company degree of heat trend
one Changshan Beiming two hundred and seven up
two Guizhou Moutai one hundred and fifty-seven up
three BYD one hundred and forty-four up
four Maintenance transformer electrical one hundred and fourteen up
five CCCC Real Estate one hundred and five up
six Shenzhen Huaqiang one hundred and five up
seven Silver Hero ninety up
eight Wuming Kangde seventy-eight up
nine Tianfeng Securities seventy-five up
ten China Merchants Bank sixty-nine up
eleven Hongye Futures sixty-three up
twelve Vanke A fifty-seven up
thirteen Shuangcheng Pharmaceutical fifty-one up
fourteen citic securities fifty-one up
fifteen Datang Telecom fifty-one up
sixteen Huijin Technology forty-five up
seventeen Baota Industry forty-five up
eighteen the pacific ocean forty-two up
nineteen Lingnan Shares thirty-six up
twenty Guohai Securities thirty-six up
company degree of heat trend
one Global Index three hundred and fifteen up
two plate_cn two hundred and thirty-nine up
three futures two hundred and fifteen up
four community sixty-three up
five Global treasury bonds thirty-nine up
six bond fifteen up
seven British shares twelve up
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