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Introduction: Macro assets at home and abroad FICC All things are cyclical

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Futures Jevons :

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell below 2800 points yesterday

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell below 2800 points yesterday# A-share#

Futures Jevons :

Goldman Sachs "Go

Goldman Sachs "Go for Gold". 1. More selective and less constructive: The report pointed out that although the commodity basket in 2024 performed well, the weakening of cyclical support led Goldman Sachs to adopt a more selective strategy for commodity investment.

(0) | Reading number (96) | share | Collection | Reply (1)
Futures Jevons :

Pancake and NASDAQ

Big cake and NASDAQ.

June 22 come from NASDAQ
(1) | Reading number (75) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Futures Jevons :

CLO circulation surged this year

CLO issuance surged this year. JPMorgan Chase said that May was the second highest month in history.

(0) | Reading number (94) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Futures Jevons :

Today's products are weaker than Big A

Today's commodities are weaker than Big A.

Futures Jevons :

The FDIC reports that 6

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) reported that 63 banks were on the verge of bankruptcy, and JPMorgan Chase could eat them again.

(0) | Reading number (97) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Futures Jevons :

Commodities, US equities and inflation

Commodities, US equities and inflation.

(0) | Reading number (109) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Futures Jevons :

Volatility of stock bond exchange is suppressed under loose financial conditions

The volatility of stock bond exchange has been suppressed under loose financial conditions, while the VIX of US stocks is currently suppressed abnormally low compared with the historical average. Recently, I read a paper explaining the impact of volatility term structure risk on asset pricing: we constructed a portfolio sensitive to VIX slope risk through the triple ranking method, and

(0) | Reading number (57) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Futures Jevons :

This... pig killing dish [laugh] # US stocks#

This... pig killing plate [Laughing cry] #US stocks#

(0) | Reading number (66) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Futures Jevons :



(0) | Reading number (125) | share | Collection | Reply (1)
Futures Jevons :

Guan Tao of BOC Securities: Monetary gold reserve assets caused by transactions

Guan Tao, Bank of China Securities: The negative change in monetary gold reserve assets caused by the transaction indicates that the central bank's import purchase of gold increases gold reserves, and vice versa indicates that the increase in holdings is domestic procurement and purification. The increase of gold reserves held by the central government is a diversified allocation of reserve assets, but the background is different. For example, during the third round of central bank's shareholding increase, 201

(0) | Reading number (3651) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Futures Jevons :



(0) | Reading number (89) | share | Collection | Reply (1)
Futures Jevons :

Jurrien: In the long run

Jurrien: In the long run, commodities tend to be highly volatile, not stable long-term investment. Long term low return and high volatility mean low Sharpe ratio. However, if the timing is correct, it can bring rich returns in tactics. It is said that since this year, the highest proportion of Sharp is Gold [raise hands

(0) | Reading number (150) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Futures Jevons :

#A share # valuation position

#A share # valuation position.

(0) | Reading number (114) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Futures Jevons :

#Apple's financial report for the second quarter of fiscal year 2024 # Apple

#Apple's financial report for the second quarter of fiscal year 2024 # Apple's dividend yield reached 4%. Some analysts pointed out that these technology companies would deposit their earnings in a zero tax rate country (such as Ireland), and then issue bonds in the United States to fund these repurchases. When the bonds mature, they would use offshore cash to repay the bonds

May 3rd come from Apple
(0) | Reading number (107) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Futures Jevons :

#The yen once fell below 160 yen to 1 dollar##

#The yen exchange rate once fell below 160 yen to 1 dollar. George Saravelos, head of foreign exchange research at Deutsche Bank, said that the intervention threat issued by the Japanese authorities did not seem credible. Japan is the most reliable party that finally makes the yen stronger

(0) | Reading number (172) | share | Collection | Reply (0)
Futures Jevons :

Slightly negative correlation between S&P 500 index and commodities

The S&P 500 index is slightly negatively correlated with commodities.

(0) | Reading number (168) | share | Collection | Reply (0)

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Sina recommendation
Popularity ranking
Overall ranking | Daily ranking
author popularity follow
one Sina Financial Customer five hundred and sixty million six hundred and seventy-three thousand five hundred and seventy-three +
two Hindsight two hundred million four hundred and thirty-two thousand nine hundred and thirty-four +
three I wish you five more seventy-six million four hundred and sixty-six thousand one hundred and ninety-two +
four Shenguang Finance seventy-two million seven hundred and six thousand three hundred and twenty-seven +
five Bonus Practice forty-five million three hundred and eleven thousand five hundred and eighty +
six Outperform thirty-three million eight hundred and forty-seven thousand three hundred and sixty-eight +
seven Buy and sell thirty-three million four hundred and ninety-four thousand six hundred and thirty-five +
eight Love index _ Sniper twenty-nine million nine hundred and forty-seven thousand nine hundred and nine +
nine Morning Glory Captain twenty-eight million five hundred and eighty-five thousand seven hundred and one +
ten Ha ha Lazy Man twenty-six million six hundred and eighty-three thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight +
eleven Oriental Old Goat twenty-five million six hundred and ninety-four thousand nine hundred and forty-eight +
twelve Liang Yaming VIP twenty-three million one hundred and eight thousand six hundred and ninety-five +
thirteen Wang Shiyi 168 twenty-two million eight hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and thirty-one +
fourteen Trend cruise twenty-one million three hundred and fifty-eight thousand and ninety-four +
fifteen New thinking twenty million four hundred and ninety-four thousand seven hundred and thirty-five +
sixteen Zhiying Tianzun nineteen million four hundred and fifty-four thousand one hundred and six +
seventeen Fire nirvana eighteen million three hundred and seventy-two thousand seven hundred and seventy-six +
eighteen One of the biggest players in the stock market eighteen million two hundred and fifty-three thousand and fifty-seven +
nineteen Tian Yi Watches the Plate eighteen million one hundred and sixteen thousand and thirty-four +
twenty Jade name sixteen million nine hundred and seventy-two thousand eight hundred and forty-two +
author popularity follow
Community ranking
Individual stock community | Theme Community
company degree of heat trend
one Guizhou Moutai one hundred and two up
two Changshan Beiming seventy-five up
three Tianfeng Securities sixty-three up
four Maintenance transformer electrical fifty-four up
five Shuangcheng Pharmaceutical forty-five up
six Ningde era forty-two up
seven BYD thirty-three up
eight citic securities thirty-three up
nine Datang Telecom thirty-three up
ten Hytera thirty-three up
eleven Silver Hero thirty up
twelve Wuming Kangde thirty up
thirteen Lingnan Shares twenty-seven up
fourteen Mindray Medical twenty-four up
fifteen North Huachuang twenty-three up
sixteen Eastmoney twenty-one up
seventeen Yonghui Supermarket twenty-one up
eighteen Haili Shares twenty-one up
nineteen Zhongnan Shares eighteen up
twenty Merchant ship eighteen up
company degree of heat trend
one Global Index two hundred and forty up
two plate_cn seventy-one up
three futures fifty-one up
four community thirty-three up
five Global treasury bonds twenty-seven up
six British shares twelve up
seven New Third Board nine up
eight bond six up
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