Popularity: 4183826

Introduction: Kede Investment was founded in August 1995 (ZX0025). The company has gathered a strong elite team of industry analysts. With its strong group background and strong strength, the company ranks among the leading domestic well-known securities consulting companies.

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Sina recommendation
Popularity ranking
Overall ranking | Daily ranking
author popularity follow
one Sina Financial Customer five hundred and fifty-nine million three hundred and twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine +
two Hindsight two hundred million four hundred and thirty thousand six hundred and seventy-one +
three I wish you five more seventy-six million four hundred and sixty-four thousand one hundred and eighty-nine +
four Shenguang Finance seventy-two million seven hundred and six thousand three hundred and twenty-seven +
five Bonus Practice forty-five million three hundred and eleven thousand five hundred and eighty +
six Outperform thirty-three million eight hundred and forty-six thousand one hundred and fifty-four +
seven Buy and sell thirty-three million four hundred and ninety-four thousand and four +
eight Love index _ Sniper twenty-nine million nine hundred and forty-seven thousand one hundred and eighty-four +
nine Morning Glory Captain twenty-eight million five hundred and eighty-five thousand seven hundred and one +
ten Ha ha Lazy Man God twenty-six million six hundred and eighty-two thousand eight hundred and ninety-three +
eleven Oriental Old Goat twenty-five million six hundred and ninety thousand seven hundred and eighty-five +
twelve Liang Yaming VIP twenty-three million one hundred and eight thousand six hundred and ninety-five +
thirteen Wang Shiyi 168 twenty-two million eight hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and thirty-one +
fourteen Trend cruise twenty-one million three hundred and fifty-seven thousand two hundred and twenty-four +
fifteen New thinking twenty million four hundred and ninety-four thousand seven hundred and thirty-five +
sixteen Zhiying Tianzun nineteen million four hundred and fifty-four thousand one hundred and six +
seventeen Fire nirvana eighteen million three hundred and seventy-two thousand seven hundred and seventy-six +
eighteen One of the biggest players in the stock market eighteen million two hundred and fifty-three thousand and fifty-seven +
nineteen Tian Yi Watches the Plate eighteen million one hundred and sixteen thousand and thirty-four +
twenty Jade name sixteen million nine hundred and seventy-two thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven +
author popularity follow
Community ranking
Individual stock community | Theme Community
company degree of heat trend
one BYD one hundred and forty-one up
two Changshan Beiming one hundred and twenty-nine up
three Guizhou Moutai one hundred and eighteen up
four Shenzhen Huaqiang seventy-eight up
five Tianfeng Securities seventy-two up
six Maintenance transformer electrical sixty-three up
seven Wuming Kangde sixty-three up
eight Hongye Futures fifty-seven up
nine Silver Hero fifty-four up
ten Vanke A fifty-four up
eleven CCCC Real Estate fifty-four up
twelve Shuangcheng Pharmaceutical forty-eight up
thirteen citic securities thirty-nine up
fourteen Datang Telecom thirty-six up
fifteen the pacific ocean thirty-three up
sixteen Huijin Technology thirty-three up
seventeen Lingnan Shares twenty-seven up
eighteen Haili Shares twenty-four up
nineteen China Merchants Bank twenty-four up
twenty Guohai Securities twenty-four up
company degree of heat trend
one plate_cn two hundred up
two Global Index one hundred and ninety-eight up
three futures one hundred and seventy-one up
four community forty-five up
five Global treasury bonds thirty-six up
six bond fifteen up
seven British shares six up
eight New Third Board three up
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