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two hundred and eighty-six zero Junda, buy ten times and lose ten times September 10th
seven hundred and twenty-nine zero At the track, I said in the set yesterday that Junda shares also pulled today September 5
six hundred and eighteen zero [Junda Shares: The photovoltaic industry's capacity reduction cycle has reached a later stage August 30
eight hundred and seventy-six one When the white paper on new energy transformation came out August 29
eight hundred and eighty-six zero [Photovoltaic concept stocks rebounded rapidly Junda shares rose more than 5%] August 29
four hundred and twenty-six zero What's the trend tomorrow? August 28
nine hundred and ninety-seven zero Go down without looking back [allow sorrow] [allow sorrow] [allow sorrow] August 23
one thousand two hundred and forty-five zero [Junda Shares: Oman project is expected to be completed in 2025 August 16
nine hundred and twenty-five zero [Junda Shares: It is expected that domestic PV demand will still be guaranteed in the second half of the year August 16
one thousand three hundred and fifteen zero Junda shares rose 3.39% at the opening August 12
five hundred and thirty zero Junda Shares August 8
one thousand one hundred and forty-three zero Xiangxue Pharmaceutical earned 20 points today August 8
one thousand five hundred and sixteen zero [Deppon's new Peng Guangchun team: daily delivery before the plate 0805] August 6
one thousand five hundred and two zero [Photovoltaic concept stocks rebounded in shock, Junda shares rose more than 9%] August 5
one thousand four hundred and sixty-eight zero [Junda Shares: It is proposed to invest 280 million US dollars to build Oman High July 25
two thousand and twenty-seven zero Junda shares rose 3.65% at the opening July 17
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two zero [Junda Shares: expected net loss of 90 million yuan in the first half of the year July 9
six hundred and one zero No more glory July 4
two thousand four hundred and forty-seven zero I see Duojunda Shares (SZ002865) [I June 28
two thousand five hundred and ninety-eight zero I think KongJunda (SZ002865) [I June 21
two thousand six hundred and ninety-five zero I think KongJunda (SZ002865) [I June 16
two thousand six hundred and forty-four zero Junda shares rose 3.03% at the opening June 14
two thousand five hundred and ninety-three zero [Junda Shares: it is planned to invest in Oman to build an annual output of 10GW June 13
two thousand four hundred and fifty zero [Junda Shares: the accumulated cost of repurchase is about 1.01 June 12
four hundred and thirty-three zero Go away June 11
two thousand six hundred and eighteen zero [Photovoltaic cell leader to be listed in Hong Kong] June 7
two hundred and eighty-three zero Go up June 6
three hundred and two zero Technical adjustment? June 6
two hundred and seventy-eight zero Your uncle June 6
two hundred and sixty-eight zero Pull it up June 6
three hundred and thirty-eight zero Who is ruining securities? June 6
three hundred and eighty-three zero What the fuck June 6
four hundred and eighteen zero stock echange crash? June 6
two thousand nine hundred and seventy-five zero I see Duojunda Shares (SZ002865) [I May 31
three thousand and seventy-one zero I see Duojunda Shares (SZ002865) [I May 30
three thousand one hundred and fourteen zero On May 29, Junda shares now had a block transaction with a turnover of 27.12 million yuan May 29
three thousand and fifty-eight zero [BC battery concept change led to the rise of Junda and Jingaoke May 29
three thousand and eighty-three zero Junda shares rose 4.15% at the opening May 29
three thousand one hundred and forty-five zero On May 27, Junda Shares now had a block transaction with a turnover of 25.97 million yuan May 27
three thousand three hundred and forty zero On May 22, Junda shares now had two block transactions with a turnover of 33.114 million yuan May 22
three thousand and four zero [Junda Shares: the issuance of H-shares of the company was recorded by the CSRC May 19
three thousand three hundred and thirty-three zero I see Duojunda Shares (SZ002865) [I May 18th
three thousand three hundred and seventy-eight zero I think KongJunda (SZ002865) [I May 15
three thousand three hundred and ninety-three zero [Junda Co., Ltd.: the company has plans to layout overseas production capacity May 15
three thousand four hundred and seventy-eight zero I see Duojunda Shares (SZ002865) [I May 12
three thousand five hundred and seventeen zero BC battery plate opened down May 10th
six hundred and thirty-four zero A swing May 9
three thousand five hundred and sixty-eight zero [TOPCON battery concept continues to rise] TOP May 9
three thousand five hundred and twelve zero [Junda Shares: net profit attributable to the parent company in the first quarter 1975 April 29
five hundred and one zero It's time to withdraw April 24
three thousand six hundred and sixty-two zero I think KongJunda (SZ002865) [I April 23
three hundred and ninety-seven zero Influence of external service index April 23
three thousand eight hundred and ninety-six zero On April 17, Junda shares now had a block transaction with a turnover of 32.154 million yuan April 17
three thousand nine hundred and twenty-six zero On April 16, Junda shares now had a block transaction with a turnover of 26.08 million yuan April 16
four thousand three hundred and sixteen zero On March 28, Junda shares now had a block transaction with a turnover of 2.1 million yuan March 28
four thousand two hundred and eighty-seven zero [BC Battery Concept Unit Warms up in the Afternoon] BC Battery Concept March 25th
six hundred and sixty-eight four According to the latest news of Booming News Agency March 18th
four thousand four hundred and one zero [Junda Shares: currently actively developing 0BB related technologies March 15
four thousand two hundred and sixty-five zero [N-type TOPCon battery boom continues March 14
four thousand four hundred and fifty-seven zero Let's reduce our holdings. This year's performance growth is certain March 13
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