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Guan Zhenjiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Gansu Provincial Taxation Bureau, and his delegation visited Gansu Branch of People's Daily

March 12, 2024 13:44 | Source: People's Daily Online Gansu Channel
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Guan Zhenjiang (right), secretary of the Party Committee and director of the Gansu Provincial Taxation Bureau, and his delegation visited the Gansu Branch of the People's Daily. Photographed by Wang Wenjia, reporter of People's Daily Online

Lanzhou, People's Daily, March 12 (Reporter Wang Wenjia) On the morning of March 12, Guan Zhenjiang, secretary of the Party Committee and director of the Gansu Provincial Taxation Bureau, and his delegation visited the Gansu Branch of the People's Daily, and held an informal discussion with Dong Hongliang, president of the Gansu Branch of the People's Daily, on how the tax authorities implement preferential tax policies, optimize the business environment, and carry out publicity work in the tax field.

Guan Zhenjiang said that for a long time, the Gansu Branch of the People's Daily has paid continuous and in-depth attention to the tax work of Gansu Province, providing a comprehensive multimedia report for the external publicity of the Gansu Provincial Tax Bureau. At the same time, Guan Zhenjiang introduced the work of Gansu Provincial Taxation Bureau on resolutely implementing preferential tax policies such as tax reduction and fee reduction issued by the state, constantly stimulating the vitality of market entities, optimizing the business environment of taxation, and hoped that the Gansu Branch of People's Daily would continue to implement preferential tax policies, standardize tax management Pay attention to and report on good experience and good practices in adding vitality and momentum to the development of private economy.

Dong Hongliang briefly introduced the development of the people's daily all media communication system at the forum, and praised the achievements of Gansu Provincial Taxation Bureau in implementing tax preferential policies and optimizing the tax business environment in recent years. Dong Hongliang said that Gansu Provincial Taxation Bureau has created many mature experiences and typical practices in serving the local economic and social development, and these highlight work is worthy of in-depth exploration and reporting. Gansu Branch of People's Daily will continue to make good use of "People's Department" newspapers, journals, websites, websites, WeChat, screens, accounts and other platforms to publicize and report the good experiences and practices of Gansu Provincial Taxation Bureau.

Hu Shaoyong, Office Director of Gansu Provincial Taxation Bureau, Zhang Wangang, Director of Education Department, Tu Xiaodong, Deputy Director of Tax Service and Publicity Center, Wang Jinxue, General Manager of Gansu Branch of People's Daily Online, and others attended the symposium.

(Editor in charge: Zhou Wanting, Wang Tong)

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