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The post-90s girls are suffering from uremia, and they are skilled in making jam

The post-90s girls are suffering from uremia, and they are skilled in making jam
10:17, August 4, 2015 Beijing Times

According to Xinhua News Agency, August 3, Li Shuangchi, a post-90s girl who has just turned 21 in Hohhot, has fought against uremia for two years. With a pair of skillful hands, she earns medical expenses for herself with sweet and sour delicious jam.

On February 4, 2013, Li Shuangchi was diagnosed with uremia and needed to be hospitalized immediately. Seeing that the college entrance examination will be held in another four months, she can only bid farewell to the campus and embark on the road of seeking doctors.

Since her father died in a car accident, the burden of the family fell on her mother Wang Lixia. Three dialysis sessions a week gradually brought Li Shuangchi's condition under control, but the medical expenses of more than 5000 yuan overwhelmed the family, and the 800000 yuan needed for kidney transplantation was astronomical.

With the help of his classmates and friends, Li Shuangchi started a WeChat business with his mobile phone, promoted his jam through WeChat, and named it "Li Qiaoshou Jam". With the attention of local media, public welfare organizations and caring people, "Jam Girl" and her "Li Qiaoshou Jam" have been known by more and more people. In just two days, nearly 1000 people bought their jam through WeChat; Many netizens said that they were touched by the optimistic, strong and brave "Jam Girl".

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