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China's child safety seats will be compulsorily certified next month

China's child safety seats will be compulsorily certified next month
10:03, August 3, 2015 Beijing Times

According to the data report of the Ministry of Transport, nearly 20000 children under the age of 14 die in traffic accidents every year in China. At present, child safety seats have been included in the national compulsory product certification catalogue, and will be implemented on September 1 this year.

Data shows that a large part of children's deaths in traffic accidents are due to the lack of necessary safety protection measures, that is, child safety seats. Another data shows that 60% of the child safety seats sold worldwide are "made in China", but only 1% of them are used by Chinese people themselves. Even in some large and medium-sized cities, the use rate is less than 5%.

According to authoritative monitoring, when the car collides at 50km/h, it will produce 30 times the impact force of gravity acceleration under the inertial action. For children with only 10kg, the impact force is close to 300kg. In this case, it is impossible for parents to hold their children tightly. If you sit in the front row, it will directly impact the child's head.

From September 1 this year, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (AQSIQ) will implement mandatory 3C certification for safety seat products, and 3C certification will become the standard for whether the products can be sold on the shelves.

Liang Mei, president of the China Toys and Infant Products Association, said that if the product has a 3C mark, it means that the product quality meets the national mandatory standards. On the basis of product safety, consumers will select safety seats suitable for babies and cars according to different functions. This standard refers to the standards of the European Union and the United States, close to the international level.

It is understood that at present, more than 40 countries around the world have made explicit legislation, which stipulates that children under the age of 12 are suitable for child safety seats. In China, Shanghai, Shandong and Shenzhen have also made mandatory provisions for children under 4 years old to use safety seats when taking private cars. It is predicted in the industry that the child safety seat market will witness rapid development, and the demand will increase to 12 million to 15 million every year. (CCTV)

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