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Innovation Challenge to Build a "Platform" for the Public Welfare of the Post 90s

Innovation Challenge to Build a "Platform" for the Public Welfare of the Post 90s
15:56, September 29, 2013 Sina Public Welfare

The Master Kang Innovation Challenge, with the theme of "creating a new generation", unveiled its annual "public service talent" at Tianjin University of Science and Technology. The "Sicheng · Dream Building" team, composed of Beijing Normal University Hong Kong Baptist University and International College, won the 2013 award with the project of "Guizhou Hope Primary School Preparation Plan". In addition to obtaining the practice fund provided by Master Kang to continue to enrich the project, It also won the support of PepsiCo Foundation, further shared the Chinese dream of the new generation of public welfare to international friends, and added new highlights to the fourth year of innovation challenge.

 Zhang Baiqing, Chairman of North China and Northwest China of Master Kang Holding Co., Ltd., presented the award to "Annual Public Welfare Talent" Zhang Baiqing, Chairman of North China and Northwest China of Master Kang Holding Co., Ltd., presented the award to "Annual Public Welfare Talent"

   Give full play to the creativity of the new generation "Guizhou Hope Primary School Preparation Plan" and combine with college student volunteers to realize the dream of Tianjin

Under the witness of Mr. Zhang Baiqing, Chairman of the North China Region of Master Kang Holdings Co., Ltd., Ms. Tai Xiangmei, Vice President of PepsiCo Greater China, and Mr. Xu Yongguang, Founder of Hope Project and Chairman of Nandu Foundation, the "Guizhou Hope Primary School Preparation Plan" launched in March 2012 was unanimously recognized by the judges. This project uses innovative forms of social fundraising, By combining publicity with singing, slogans, love ribbons and other means of solicitation, and with solid execution, more than 3000 college student volunteers were mobilized in three provinces and four cities in just 21 days to participate in the fundraising, and successfully raised a donation of 1 million yuan for the reconstruction of Chenjiazhai Primary School in Shuguang Township, Nayong County, Bijie City, Guizhou Province, while demonstrating the creativity and pragmatism of the new generation.

 Zhang Baiqing, Chairman of North China and Northwest China of Master Kang Holding Co., Ltd., presented the flag to "annual public welfare talent" Zhang Baiqing, Chairman of North China and Northwest China of Master Kang Holding Co., Ltd., presented the flag to "annual public welfare talent"

While the Master Kang Innovation Challenge continued, the students represented by Luo Yijing returned to the New Chenjiazhai Hope Primary School at the beginning of September this year. They not only witnessed the first opening ceremony of the new school building with the children, but also brought new school uniforms, school bags and other learning tools to the children, It also used the practice fund won in the second round of the innovation challenge contest to buy multimedia teaching equipment for children and establish a distance education system to help children in the mountains better accept education. The careful thinking of both software and hardware makes the title of "public welfare talent" come true.

   Creativity inspires the public welfare program of the new generation

In addition to the judges who were moved by the "Guizhou Hope Primary School Preparation Plan" from the mountains, the top ten teams that emerged from more than a thousand contestants across the country also presented a public welfare creative feast belonging to the post-90s generation at the final of Tianjin University of Science and Technology. They used photos, videos, postcards, public interest works, etc. to demonstrate rigorous, professional and flexible public welfare programs, Share the learning and touching experience of participating in Master Kang Innovation Challenge.

The "Seven Colored Flower Rural Left behind Children's Colorful Childhood Care Plan" project, the "Art Start and Big Tree" project care for children, the "Waste to Fat" and the "Green Zhengzhou Travel" project focus on environmental protection, the "Pengcheng Wanli" project and the "Like Fishing and Getting Water" project focus on agriculture and fishery, the "Xingyuan Team" helps families who have lost their independence, and the "Nature School" enables children to get close to nature, The "West Lake Silk Umbrella Culture Inheritance Project" also displayed the West Lake silk umbrellas independently designed, improved and made by them.

In addition, Liu Yue, a member of the team of the 2012 champion project "Making a mountain out of a molehill", was also invited to the scene to show the audience and judges the latest progress and public welfare achievements of the project: in the past year, the "Making a molehill out of a molehill" micro public welfare website has launched a total of six new projects, involving education, environmental protection, community development and other contents, with nearly 20000 netizens participating, It has promoted the donation of more than 13000 items and achieved remarkable results. Every year, young friends participating in the Master Kang Innovation Challenge meet at the award ceremony before and after the competition. In addition to mutual efforts, they also show a solid friendship of mutual understanding and mutual support on the road of public welfare innovation.

 Group photo of Kangshifu enterprise representatives, judges and top ten players in 2013 Kangshifu Innovation Challenge Group photo of Kangshifu enterprise representatives, judges and top ten players in 2013 Kangshifu Innovation Challenge

   Master Kang Innovation Challenge helps the growth of new generation talents

Every year, Master Kang will use the Innovation Challenge to select, optimize and guide the public welfare plan, sing the voice of the new generation's investment in public welfare, and successfully attract the attention of college students and the public in three places across the Taiwan Straits. Since its launch in March this year, the event has held 22 campus lectures in 16 cities on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. More than 5000 students who show a high interest in public welfare projects have face-to-face exchanges and sharing with Master Kang. The event has gathered nearly 1400 proposals across both sides of the Taiwan Straits. Public welfare projects involve health care, care for vulnerable groups, environmental protection, community development, education, culture, intangible cultural heritage protection In many fields such as information and communication technology, more than 4 million young friends participated in or followed Master Kang's innovation challenge through the network.

As one of the highlights of this year's event, Master Kang further improved the level of cooperation after establishing a strategic alliance with PepsiCo. The leadership of the PepsiCo Foundation specially sent a congratulatory video to the event in the United States to jointly witness the innovative ability of China's new generation of public welfare, and warmly invited the annual public welfare talents to visit the headquarters of PepsiCo in New York, the United States, Broaden our vision, and let China's new generation of public welfare initiatives not only connect with the world, but also have the opportunity to lead the trend.

At the same time, including Chen Liwei, who won the title of public service talent in 2011, seven winners who won scholarships through the Master Kang Innovation Challenge Platform to support their admission to Waseda University also shared their joy through videos in Japan, which also made more people realize the platform of the Innovation Challenge, helping others also has the opportunity to let themselves gain valuable experience of self realization.

Xu Yongguang, founder of the Hope Project and chairman of Nandu Public Welfare Foundation, who has served as the judge since the inception of the event, said: "This competition is very exciting. We are pleased to see the strong innovation, practice and sense of responsibility of the post-90s generation, especially the new generation of public welfare forces represented by the" Guizhou Hope Primary School Preparation Plan ". I sincerely hope that through the platform of the Innovation Challenge, more and more young people will pay attention to public welfare, show their creativity and action, and contribute their strength to China's public welfare undertakings! "

Since 2010, Master Kang Innovation Challenge has become a national well-known public welfare brand project, and has received extensive attention from many outstanding young people. Many young people with public welfare dreams have not only turned their public welfare dreams into reality, but also made many like-minded friends and gained friendship in public welfare exchanges by virtue of the platform of Master Kang Innovation Challenge.

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