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Liaoyang "Money Advance Brother": advance 20000 yuan for 14 years of medical service

Liaoyang "Money Advance Brother": advance 20000 yuan for 14 years of medical service
10:54, October 8, 2011 China Youth News

Many patients who come to Liaoyang Central Hospital in Liaoning Province to see doctors know that there is a "money guy" in the hospital, who is Liu Shengyang, director of the Department of Nephrology. For 14 years, he has advanced nearly 20000 yuan in medical expenses for patients.

At least 500 yuan, and at most 2000 yuan. The patient has no money or no money to pay the hospitalization fee. When Liu Shengyang knows about it, he will use the money to pay for the patient. Although the patient was never asked to give an IOU, the patient basically paid back the money. In the words of patients, although no IOU was issued, people should be considerate.

Colleagues said that Liu Shengyang was confused about paying back the money. When the patient's family came to pay back the money, he thought they were going to give him a red envelope, and once refused.

Some bald, simple and honest, 38 year old Liu Shengyang gives the first impression of directness. When it comes to providing money to patients, his first reaction is: "This is nothing, is it? What can be interviewed? Whoever he lends it to, it's all patients in need of help anyway."

Liu Shengyang felt that his money for patients was only a part of his daily work, but it was the patients who paid back the money that deserved praise.

  He didn't even know the patient's name, so he paid

In the nephrology ward of Liaoyang Central Hospital, Uncle Wang, who is over 60 years old, has suffered from uremia for 4 years and has been undergoing dialysis. "He's very interesting." Speaking of Liu Shengyang, the head of the nephrology department, Uncle Wang's wife told reporters that once she owed hospital fees, and she came with her passbook, but it was more than 6 p.m., so she couldn't get money from the bank. The old couple were very worried, afraid of delaying treatment. When Liu Shengyang knew about it, he took out 1000 yuan to pay for hospitalization.

"At that time, he didn't mention that he wanted to pay an IOU," said Uncle Wang. The doctor didn't mention it, but he had to be careful. Director Liu had advanced the money for his life, and the next day they went to the bank to get the money back.

"I never take this seriously. When I see patients suffering from pain, their relatives are also suffering, and doctors will not feel good." Liu Shengyang told reporters that uremia is a serious disease, and many families are in debt as a result. Seeing that they can't continue the treatment because they can't pay for it, I'm sorry for my conscience if I don't help them.

Another doctor in the Department of Nephrology told the reporter that once, a patient came for an examination, his condition was serious, and he needed to be hospitalized immediately, but he didn't bring enough money. Liu Shengyang helped to put the money on after he knew it. As this is a new patient, Liu Shengyang paid money without even knowing his family's name. The first day he gave money to others, and the next day when they returned the money, he still did not remember the patient's name.

"In fact, I didn't prepare for patients specially. When I saw that patients had no money to pay fees for the time being, just in time to catch up with the money in their pockets, I would help them with it," Liu Shengyang said.

  He never thought whether the patient could pay back the money

For 14 years, Liu Shengyang could not remember how much money he had paid. There are basically two or three times a year, and at least 20 patients have been helped, ranging from 500 yuan to 2000 yuan. It is estimated that there are nearly 20000 yuan.

What if the borrowed money is not returned?

In Liu Shengyang's opinion, there are many uremic patients in the nephrology department who need to be dialysis frequently to extend their lives. This kind of illness makes many families difficult. As a doctor, if you can help patients, you should help them. He never thought that people would pay back the money. Even if he doesn't return it, he won't ask for it. After all, the other party is a difficult family.

In the opinion of colleagues, although Liu Shengyang was serious and patient in his work, he was confused about borrowing money to pay back the money and made jokes about it.

Li Li, the head nurse, told the reporter that there was an old patient in the nephrology ward. Once, a patient's family found Liu Shengyang and gave him 500 yuan. Liu Shengyang was stunned. Thinking that the patient was going to give him a red envelope, he said, "What are you doing? It's useless talking about it."

The family members were amused when they heard what Liu Shengyang said. "You think it's wrong." It turns out that the patient was temporarily short of money a few days ago, Liu Shengyang helped to advance 500 yuan, and the family came to repay the money today.

So Liu Shengyang remembered that he really took money for others. He didn't think much about the money and was surprised when he got it back.

Liu Shengyang said that no matter what kind of patients, they always pay back with integrity. I think it is a good thing that doctors and patients trust each other so much. These patients now have good communication with me.

When someone asked him if he would always insist on providing money for patients, he replied: "This is not a matter of persistence. As long as it can alleviate their difficulties, and I can do what I can, I will certainly help them. It is also OK if not. I think these patients are really in need of help, and hundreds of thousands of yuan, for me, it is still affordable."

Colleagues also pay for patients

In the Department of Nephrology of Liaoyang Central Hospital, Aunt Peng, over 60, accompanied her husband. The wife has been ill for more than 4 years and has been treated in the hospital.

Aunt Peng told reporters that once she accompanied her husband to dialysis and had to be hospitalized because of abnormal indicators. At that time, they didn't bring so much money. Liu Shengyang took out 1000 yuan and asked her to pay the fee first. The next day, Aunt Peng went to the bank to withdraw the money and returned it to Liu Shengyang.

Aunt Peng said that on another occasion, it was basically the same situation. It was just in the evening. Although she had her passbook, she could not go to the bank to withdraw money. He told Jiang Wei, the doctor on duty at that time, about the situation. Jiang took out 1000 yuan to help pay the expenses, but also did not ask him to write an IOU.

"Many of my colleagues were inspired by Liu Shengyang, and all of them were pennies within their power. I didn't mean to help anyone, but I felt that as a doctor, I really felt uncomfortable when I didn't help the patient." Jiang Wei told reporters that when the patient really needed help, he had seen Director Liu Shengyang make money for the patient many times.

Liu Shengyang believes that if he insists that he is caring to advance money, then he thinks it is little love. During the Wenchuan earthquake, he once spent 10 days in the disaster area as a member of the medical team. He said that at that time, what so many good people did made him see great love.

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