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The old town of Beichuan, Sichuan, is open to tens of thousands of tourists to visit the memorial ceremony

The old town of Beichuan, Sichuan, is open to tens of thousands of tourists to visit the memorial ceremony
10:16, October 3, 2011 Beijing Times

News from our correspondent: On the first day of the full opening of the earthquake site in the old town of Beichuan, Sichuan Province, tens of thousands of tourists from all over China poured into the old town of Beichuan to visit the memorial ceremony. Feel the great power of the earthquake here, as well as the power of love in the process of earthquake relief.

At 9 a.m., the buses that came in succession took tourists into the old county seat, and the quiet ruins began to welcome tourists.

The 14 buses in Beichuan Leigu Reception Center kept carrying tourists into the site area, and about 2000 tourists came into the site area to visit and hold memorial ceremonies in more than an hour. "We originally planned to arrive at the peak at 11:00 a.m., but we didn't expect to welcome thousands of tourists before 10:00 a.m." According to the staff, they had 10 32 seat buses, and in order to fully open this time, they bought 4 45 seat buses again. When 15 vehicles are put into operation at the same time, 500 people can be transported at one time.

Reporters in Renjiaping saw that tourists waiting to enter the site formed a long queue, and the police and armed police soldiers on duty were maintaining order on the scene. Although a bus picks up a group of tourists every two minutes, the number of tourists waiting to get on the bus has not decreased. In the Leigu reception center, a parking lot that can stop 300 cars is already full, and the traffic police on duty have to ask the tourists who come after to park their cars orderly on the side of the road.

"Today is the first day to usher in the peak of passenger flow, and tomorrow may be more tourists than today." Zhang Dingchun, deputy director of the drum beating reception center of Beichuan Earthquake Memorial Hall, told reporters that in order to cope with the coming peak of tourists, they will put into operation vehicles again to shorten the waiting time of tourists. (Zhong Xin)

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