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Who changes "donating blood" into "selling blood"?

Who changes "donating blood" into "selling blood"?
09:13, November 6, 2009 Beijing News

Some rural women in Yunxian County, Shiyan County, Hubei Province have to go to the county seat plasma collection station to sell blood for a living because of their poor families. The ferry often carried by these rural women is also called "blood boat". On the Han River, such blood boats have been sailing for ten years. (November 4, China Youth Daily)

In fact, in the Measures for the Administration of Plasma Collecting Stations, there is a neutral title of "blood seller" in the eyes of villagers: blood plasma supplier. When the blood station publicizes, it often uses a more brilliant and noble title: blood donor. According to the report, the blood head who organized villagers to sell blood was very unhappy that others said "sell plasma", and would declare that "we are donating blood plasma"; Also unhappy is Li Guangcheng, the head of Yunxian Plasma Collection Station. However, the villagers and even the general public seem to ignore the official name dispute. For them, the naming right of "offering" or "selling" is not important, but the 168 yuan received after plasma collection is important. The evolution of this name shows that some statistical data have been deliberately purified and even the bottom people have persevered.

The money is also purified and filtered. Of course, "blood price" and "blood remuneration" can only be called "nutrition fee" and "subsidy fee".

In fact, the decent saying of "dedication" cannot change the nature of the behavior of these bottom farmers. In such a chain of interests, poor mountain farmers do not have much choice and position in the game. What they can do is to constantly let the thick needle into the increasingly difficult to find blood vessels.

With regard to the phenomenon that poor farmers in Henan and Anhui were infected with AIDS because of selling blood reported by the media before, does the blood station's special emphasis on "blood donation" also mean evading certain uncertain responsibilities in advance? The more important danger is that this deliberate purification is likely to distort the authenticity of statistical data, thus affecting the effect of high-level decision-making.

From November 1, the Beijing Administrative Measures on Blood Donation was officially implemented. The Measures abolished the administrative blood donation index of the "responsible unit", which indicates that the original administrative blood donation index system has been canceled and unpaid blood donation is returning to its true colors. Perhaps the real return of unpaid blood donation is the end of poor farmers' "blood donation" for a living? Of course, the fundamental solution is still to improve the livelihood of these farmers and truly improve the happiness index of people in poor areas, which is not only the responsibility of industry management departments, but also the responsibility of local governments. (Edited by Hu Yinbin)

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