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Zang Tianshuo Event: Torture the Social Responsibility of Stars

Zang Tianshuo Event: Torture the Social Responsibility of Stars
23:13, November 17, 2008 Public Welfare Times

Our reporter Liu Jia

Zang Tianshuo was recently arrested by Beijing police on suspicion of being involved in a homicide caused by a mob fight in Langfang before 2003. Once the news came out, the entertainment industry fell into a crisis of trust again. Once upon a time, the image of the so-called star in people's minds was bright and shining, but now it has become a synonym for "dirty land".

The most basic feature of stars is that they have certain influence in society and are sought after and emulated by some people. Of course, this determines the publicity of star behavior to some extent. Since the song "Friends" became popular, Zang Tianshuo has always had a healthy performing image in people's minds. In July 2007, he and several people in the entertainment industry signed a Declaration on Self discipline of Performers' Social Responsibility, and often participated in public welfare activities by setting an example. However, this event greatly reduced the public's social responsibility to stars.

   Entertainment industry: star scandals abound

There are a variety of entertainment methods nowadays, and different star making movements are also varied. Once you become famous and become a star, the future road will be covered with flowers and applause. It is this strong attraction that has made many people go to this hot spot with all their heart. In recent years, stars have made a lot of money on the performance stage by virtue of their talent. It is not uncommon for some stars to be suspected of breaking the law or even committing crimes because of their huge finances and arrogance. For example, the famous host Wu Zongxian and the famous model Lin Zhiling in the Bay area were once found guilty of tax evasion by the tax authorities in Taiwan; The star economic case that caused the biggest shock in the domestic performing arts circle was Liu Xiaoqing's tax evasion. In addition to tax evasion, drug taking and gangland involvement are also hobbies of performance stars. For example, Taiwan artist Xiao Shushen was sent to a drug treatment center for compulsory drug treatment because of drug abuse.

From the perspective of a series of stars' "evil" and immoral behavior, the greed for money is the direct cause of these evil results. Many big stars, who had been running for fame and wealth before they became famous, ignored the basic principles of life on the road to fame and wealth. Some people say that star "metamorphism" is a social phenomenon, which must have its own social and cultural atmosphere. Brewing in the atmosphere of impetuosity, vanity, luxury, etc., it will inevitably lead to star deformity. "Zang Tianshuo case" is not an idol, but a premature baby created by multiple reasons under this evil environment.

   Taking social responsibility is the basic quality of stars

In fact, in the complex world of society, crime - drug taking - gangland involvement is not earth shaking, even in all walks of life, but the problem is that "stars" are not ordinary industries. Because the most basic feature of stars is that they have certain influence in society and are sought after and emulated by some people. This determines the publicity of star behavior, so, to a certain extent, as a star, the minimum quality is to assume certain social responsibility.

In 2007, the Social Responsibility Forum of Chinese Artists of the Organizing Committee for the Survey of Public Image Satisfaction of Chinese Celebrities in Performing Arts released the Self discipline Declaration of Social Responsibility of Chinese Artists. At the event, the stars actively signed a declaration to show their support for the event. Zang Tianshuo also read the declaration carefully, stressing that "this activity is very timely and meaningful."

However, things backfired. Under the temptation of money and desire, Zang Tianshuo left his social responsibility behind.

On January 2 this year, Zang Tianshuo took the lead in the launching ceremony of the New Great Wall 2008 Public Welfare Activity "Love Lights the Way Home" to help poor students go home for the New Year. He donated 10000 yuan in cash to poor college students on the spot.

In fact, in everyone's heart, there is a kind and innocent side. However, when the stars have social ingratiation, star chasers' pursuit and wealth under the spotlight, can they do whatever they want? Perhaps, from the first day of becoming a public figure, stars not only represent themselves, but also a group. Therefore, we can never shirk our responsibilities.

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