Tank Data Collection
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Tank Data Collection

Between the two world wars, it was the exploration and experiment period of tank tactics and technology development ideas. Various types of tanks were developed and equipped in various countries. Light and ultra light tanks were once popular, and tires that could be interchanged by tracks and wheels also appeared in the structure - crawler light tanks, amphibious ultra light tanks, and medium and heavy tanks with multiple turrets. The tanks in this period mainly include: British "Matilda" infantry tanks and "Crusader" cruising tanks, French "Renault" R-35 light, "Soma" S-35 medium tanks, Sutit-26 light, Т - 28, T-34 medium tanks, German PzKpfw II light, IV medium tanks, etc. In World War II, German tanks were generally equipped with 88mm smooth bore guns with high firepower, which made Allied tanks unable to parry.

Compared with the early tanks, these tanks have significantly improved their tactical and technical performance. The total combat weight is 9~28 tons View Details

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King of Land War - Encyclopedia of Tanks
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Classification of tanks
Introduction of Tank Technology
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Game information
Game name: Tank World
Official website: Click to enter
Game type: shooting
Game status: public beta
Operating manufacturer: Skynet
Edit Team
Editor in charge: Seven Orange Hot
Art design/production: Seven
Assistant editor: Xiaoyang Grape
Part time editor: aircraft
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