14:36, March 16, 2015

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Player's PSN account was stolen and swiped $600 Sony said it would not compensate

Recently, a foreign player's PSN account was stolen. The stolen account not only cancelled his PS4 remotely, but also stole his account to buy something worth $600. Sony's customer service seems unable to make any good solutions.

 The security of the PSN account is not reassuring The security of the PSN account is not reassuring

Kadjar, a Reddit user, said that his PSN account was stolen, and the account thief used his credit card bound in the PSN to consume $600 worth of content. In addition, the account thief also used his PSN account to cancel his PS4. Kadjar then contacted Sony's customer service department and carried out a series of inquiries and investigations. According to Kadjar, Sony said that it would investigate the matter, but even if it could compensate, it could only pay up to 150 dollars - the maximum amount in the PSN wallet.

In addition, Sony also reminded Kadjar that if he applied with the credit card company to cancel the payment, it might lead to the PSN account being blocked, and the existing purchase content, trophies, etc... Once, someone coveted to buy on behalf of others, but was blocked after the unscrupulous merchant canceled the payment. What bothers Kadjar most is that because the hacker has logged off his PS4 and activated the account on his device, he may have to wait 6 months to reactivate the account on his PS4. According to Sony's user terms, each account can only be cancelled once every six months.

During this period, Kadjar received many compensations from other users for his lost games. According to Kadjar's latest report, a representative of Sony has contacted him and is ready to continue to assist in the investigation.

We certainly hope that this player can finally recover his losses with Sony's help. However, it seems that Sony should also pay attention to security measures. Now, most shopping websites or platforms will use two-step authentication - after you place an order and purchase, you are required to authenticate through email or SMS before implementation. Now it is 2015, Steam has two-step certification, Xbox Live also has, but Sony has not kept pace with the times. (Source: NetEase Editor: Sen)

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