race player Map Game time
TVT [TvT]SuperNoVa VS HyuNyuN Tal`darim altar LE 2014-08-20
TVP [PvT]iGJimJim VS IGXyIGXy Cloud Kingdom 2014-08-20
TVZ [TvZ]Bomber VS LifeLife 4 Tal`darim altar LE 2014-08-20
TVZ [TvZ]Bomber VS LifeLife 5 Shakuras plateau 2014-08-20
TVZ [TvZ]Bomber VS LifeLife 6 Ohana LE 2014-08-20
TVZ [TvZ]Bomber VS LifeLife 1 Cloud Kingdom 2014-08-15
TVZ [TvZ]Bomber VS LifeLife 2 Entombed Valley 2014-08-15
TVZ [TvZ]Bomber VS LifeLife 3 Daybreak 2014-08-15
TVP [PvT]iGJim VS MarineKing Ohana LE 2014-08-15
TVP [PvT]JimJim VS MarineKing Daybreak 2014-08-15
ZVZ [ZvZ]Life VS ScarlettSc 2 Daybreak 2014-08-12
PVP [PvP]iGJimiGJim VS ToDToD Terminus Re 2014-08-12

Grubby: Top in Three Months
I thought I could progress faster, but I'm a little impatient [ detailed ]

 Sc2 Story

Broken Comfort Song

Author: Ice front 104
This article is to commemorate StarCraft 1, which has accompanied us for more than 10 years Click Read>>

Batman Begins

Author: Yunshang Empty City
Twenty years ago, the Terran and the Protoss who had been living together harmoniously did not know what caused it Click Read>>