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CGWR Black Desert game review

Comprehensive assessment As a famous online game masterpiece of Hanbok, Black Desert has extremely rich game content, and the overall setting of the game is closer to the real world. For example, in rainy days, NPC will leave, mounts can be killed, mercenary siege mode and other playing methods build a real magic land for players.

Game impression
Advantages Advantages | Extremely fine face pinching system
Advantages | Super high degree of play freedom
Advantages | Diversified game play
Disadvantages Disadvantages | The update of national service is slow
Game information
Game version:
Test status: untested
Test date: 12:00:04, August 25, 2017
Game type: cosplay
Picture type: 3D
Game origin: Japan and South Korea
Charging method: others
Operator: Snail
Developer: PearlAbyss Corp
Official website: Click to enter
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