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CGWR "New Dahua Westward Journey 2" game review
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Review of "New Dahua Westward Journey 2"
September 4, 2013 | Author: Wu Zhe

Comprehensive assessment For the loyal players of Dahua Westward Journey 2, the new version of the reform can enable them to continue their journey to the west. They disdain conspiracy theory and dark explanation, just to paint their own pictures. For manufacturers, the launch of New Dahua Westward Journey 2 is a responsibility, which may contain ambition, but it can still be attributed to the long-term appeal of their own brands. The game has not changed the game mechanism because of market reasons. Economy and interaction are still the most important core of the western travel world. Whether this reborn nirvana will attract more new players to the game may no longer be important.

Game impression
Game information
Game version: 2.0.446
Test status: open test
Test date: March 28, 2014
Game type: cosplay
Picture type: Ink and wash
Game origin: mainland
Charging method: time charge has been charged
Operator: Netease games
Developer: Netease Game
Official website: Click to enter
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Review of "New Dahua Westward Journey 2"
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