Latest recommendations
 Coordinates of Yizhang Mountain and River Map  Coordinates of Yizhang Mountain and River Map
 Distribution of Qiannu Ghost Monsters  Distribution of Qiannu Ghost Monsters
 Summary of refresh points of field collected crops  Summary of refresh points of field collected crops

Click to download: New Qiannu Ghost Complete Client
Current version: 2.0.62 Version size: 2.25GB

Occupation: physician
Occupation: Shooter
Occupation: First Class Scholar
Occupation: Swordsman
Occupation: Xiake
Occupation: Charming
Occupation: different person
Occupation: alchemist
Weapon introduction:
Sword | Axe | Wooden sword | Dusting | Wand | Blunt instrument | Long pole | Crossbow | Short blade | Long staff | Harp claw | Spear
Job description:
Doctors can heal wounds and relieve difficulties, and can bring the dead back to life, so they shoulder heavy responsibilities. Doctors can not only help the weak, but also eliminate the strong, make light and illusions, and fight poison with poison.
Attack ability: ★★★☆☆   Defense capability: ★★★☆☆   Auxiliary ability: ★★★★★
Control skills: ★★★★☆   Operating skills: ★★★★☆ 
White equipment
Blue equipment
Red equipment
Purple equipment
Ghost weapon equipment
Set Items
Special summary:
Special topic on the cultivation of ghosts and beasts of beautiful women Special topic of life skill matching Special Topic on Coordinates of Yizhang Mountain and River Map Monster Map Distribution Topic Shi Zhiling Query Topic
Qiannu Ghost Upgrade Experience Calculator Summary of refresh points of field collected crops Qiannv Ghost Sect and Special Festival Mount Display
Mountain and River Map:
River Map Coordinates of Pujia Village and Yangjia Village Yizhang Mountain Three main cities, one palm mountain and river map coordinates Coordinates of four major sects and one palm mountain and river map
The river map coordinates of Laoxian Mountain, suburban wilderness and Heifeng Cave Lan Ruo Temple, Lan Ruo Temple Underground Palace One palm Mountain River Map Coordinates
Fengdu Hell Forgetting the River One Palm Mountain River Map Coordinates Douzhu Palace Guanghan Palace Yaochi Yizhang Mountain River Map Coordinates
Upgrade Route
World map Kunlun Mountain (Sect) Shenji Camp (Sect) Xiaoyao Temple (Sect) Wanyao Palace (Sect) Agra (main city)
Jinling (main city) Hangzhou (main city) Pujia Village (Level 1-10) Kunlun Desert (Grade 10-17) Youtan Underground Acupoint (Level 10-17)
Taizhou Coast (Grade 10-17) Tianmu Immortal Mountain (Level 10-17) Yangjia Town (Grade 16-18) Suburban wilderness (Grade 16-21)
Lanruo Temple (Grade 30-37) Heifeng Cave (Grade 43-47) Lanruo Underground Palace (Level 50-57) Forgotten River (Level 69-76)
Huangquan (Grade 73-80) Fengdu (Grade 84-89) Hell (Level 95-102) Tiangong (Level 135-143) Yaochi (141-148)
Guanghan Palace (Level 145-150) Dou Zhigong (Level 144-150)
Boutique Strategy
Create the best equipment attribute in the beautiful girl ghost Analysis of the mechanism of Qiannu injury and treatment data Illustrations of Different Skills of Qiannu Ghost Fighting with Dragon to Kill Guild Leader
New player's upgrade strategy: Don't forget to pick up the Eight Treasure Cave Six suggestions for players to cultivate spirit beasts Top Spirit Beast Appreciation Five Star Chess Boy
109 level breakthrough task strategy team configuration playing details Key points of opening operation and cooperation of Babaodong strategy Level 109 Breakthrough Task Songling Nightmare Introduction
Recommend the best life skill configuration for each occupation Detailed introduction to equipment creation, playing top quality attribute Wu Shanshi's magical equipment attributes doubled instantly
Career strategy
Upgrading skills of attractive female ghost office workers Professional experience of alchemist: the super fast survival of group monsters needs to be strengthened The first saber equipment for double attack in Pushui Ancient Village
The alchemist skill adds some group warfare and single fight skills 93 Cultivation Swordsman Talking about PK Experience An Analysis of Several Ways of Playing Qiannv's Rare Professional Swordsmen
Career orientation, attribute analysis and weapon selection of Qiannv ghost alchemist The necessary method to add points before level 89 of the beautiful girl ghost pk bow
Qiannu Ghost Swordsman can also be lucky! Lucky outfit matching graphic version! Guide to weapon selection and equipment washing for Qiannu Archer after Level 70
Qiannv Phantom is an auxiliary occupation with three sets of control methods Medical equipment matching: 110 level players teach you how to stack defense First Lucky Doctor Equipment
Comparison between the attribute trend of Qiannu Ghost alchemist and one handed weapon Qiannu Ghost Archer's early skill points and PK experience sharing Adding skills to different skills
  • Game name: New Qiannv Ghost
  • Game type: role playing
  • Game screen: 2.5D screen
  • Developer: Netease Game
  • Operator: Netease Game
  • Test status: open test
  • Game style: fantasy
  • Game area: domestic
  • Official website: click to enter