Sina Games 2014-08-07 15:43

Game materials of Dahua Westward Journey 2 Free Edition - Immortals System (2)

3、 Immortal recasting:

If you are not satisfied with the Immortal Tool attribute, you can recast it.

Synthetic Regret Stone: "Regret Stone"=20 "Regret Stone Fragments"+1 Eight Wilderness Relics+500W

Regret Stone Fragments: can be obtained through Big Wild Goose Pagoda Demon Elimination, Underground Palace Challenge, or traded by players

 Immortal system

 Immortal system

Recast Immortal Weapon: Immortal Weapon Recast=Immortal Weapon+1 Regret Stone

 Immortal system

After the artifact is recast, you can select "Keep the original attribute" or "Replace the original attribute" according to the result:

 Immortal system