Sina Games 2014-07-30 17:20

New Dahua Westward Journey 2 Game information - courtyard system (2)

2. Courtyard

Appearance of courtyard

The surface of the courtyard (map) is related to the occupation.

The types of buildings in the courtyard are related to the occupation, and the building grade is related to the occupation grade.

Courtyard function

Each profession corresponds to different buildings.

Each courtyard is divided into several blocks, and one building can be built at each location.

Players can collect the essence of the sun and the moon in the courtyard, and use the essence of the sun and the moon to nurture the materials of the production system, so that the products can have various magical spirituality.

Each building is divided into 4 levels.

Lingtai: A place to collect the essence of the sun and the moon. Upgrading Lingtai can speed up the collection of Reiki and the upper limit of Reiki storage.

Click Lingtai to pop up Lingtai interface.

Lingtai has the following values: current aura/maximum aura. The reincarnation speed of Lingtai is mainly affected by furniture.

Occupation building: the level is related to the level of occupation products that can be produced.

3. Production occupation

Production system and courtyard

The production system is related to the player's yard. The level of the yard is related to the product level produced by the player. The higher the level, the higher the production efficiency. In addition, players can also change the shape of the courtyard by upgrading the production level.

production system

The production system is divided into two parts: raw materials and processing. The profession of raw material production needs to upgrade production tools to upgrade the level of raw materials. After the raw materials are produced, they are sold to players or npcs to earn money. The processing profession needs to collect the raw materials produced by the raw material processing profession and process them into final products.

The production system is divided into 6 occupations, including planting, animal husbandry and mining. The processing occupation is divided into furniture, pharmacy and symbol making. The production occupation is divided into 4 grades, and each grade can produce 4 kinds of products.

To learn new skills, you can find the master of each profession, but not all skills can be learned from the master. Some advanced skills need to be learned with props.

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