Sina Games 2014-07-30 17:17

New Dahua Westward Journey 2 Game Materials - Community Homeland (2)

4. Go hand-in-hand

What? So and so used to hang up again today? Well, if you are not satisfied with it, you can go to Li Caijin (Chang'an 450,67) to buy a "hook" prop and "shun" his furniture!

 Community home
Community home

After sneaking into the courtyard, you can use the hook near the house. If you succeed, you will get some furniture (except the cabinet). However, it is not recommended to use it at will. After all, enemies are easier to solve than to tie up!

 Community home
Community home


To participate in the shoplifting game, you need time pet level>20 and role level 1 or above.

The success rate of shoplifting is RP. If it fails, the hook will stay at the housekeeper's house, and the owner can exchange it for money.

5. Neighborhood chat group

All players who live in the neighborhood will get a permanent free chat group for communication.

 Community home
Community home

Of course, before checking in, you can go to the super butler to learn about the basic information of the neighborhood and the active online time of most residents in the neighborhood.

The cute and invincible Little Laurie "Fox Little Demon" appeared:

Name: Fox Xiaoyao

Initial values:

HP: 96

Mana: 96

Attacks: 96

Speed: 122 (actual speed 96)

Initial growth rate: 1.275

Maximum growth rate: 1.653

Five Elements: Wood 50 Gold 50

Own skills:

Heaven sees pity: I can't bear to look after myself. Heaven sees pity. When your HP is lower than X%, the damage taken will be reduced by Y%.

X is 10% minimum and 30% maximum.

Y is 50% minimum and 80% maximum.

The higher the intimacy, the higher the fluctuation.

 Fox goblin
Fox goblin


   Fox goblin
Fox goblin

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