Sina Games 2014-07-30 15:55

New Dahua Westward Journey 2 Game information - Treasure Pavilion (4)

b. The buyer confirms that he wants to purchase the target passport account generated by the role, and uses a role ≥ 10 levels under the account to log into the treasure house for purchase.

   Treasure Pavilion

c. The number of existing game characters under the target passport account used to receive the purchased characters must not be more than 5. Otherwise, if you want to take out the purchased characters, you will need to give up an existing character in advance.

d. The security information of the pass account used to purchase the role should not be empty and must be bound with the security method. Once again, we remind you that sharing an account may cause you unpredictable losses and injuries.

e. After you select the role you are satisfied with, check its related data information, such as equipment, summoning beast, reincarnation correction, etc. After confirmation, you can pay.

   Treasure Pavilion

f. After the purchase is successful, the character executing the purchase operation can log in the game to find the manager of the Chamber of Commerce in Luoyang (231107), and select the secondary option "I want to take out the purchased role" under "I want to trade roles".

   Treasure Pavilion

g. After the role is taken out successfully, the purchased role will be generated in the game role interface and can play normally. That is, the purchased role is successfully transferred to the passport account corresponding to the role performing the purchase operation.

   Treasure Pavilion

h. When the purchased character is playing, remember to reset the security information such as the item lock code.

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