Sina Games 2014-07-30 15:55

New Dahua Westward Journey 2 Game Materials - Treasure Pavilion (3)

3: Purchase of game characters

※※ Buyers need to prepare a role of ≥ 10 levels and create it under the passport account they want to use. For example, if a player wants to generate a newly purchased role under the A account, he can use the role ≥ 10 levels under the A account to purchase the role he wants to buy. After the transaction is successful, the role he wants to buy will be transferred to the A account. Don't try to generate the purchased role under account A, but the result is that you use the role under account B to purchase the role, which leads to an accident of no laughing or crying.

a. Players can view the game characters being consigned and their important information in the role column of Treasure Pavilion, as shown in the following figure.

   Treasure Pavilion

   Treasure Pavilion

   Treasure Pavilion

   Treasure Pavilion

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