Sina Games 2014-07-30 15:55

New Dahua Westward Journey 2 Game information - Treasure Pavilion (2)

2) Consignment stage

After the registration period, it is deemed that the registration is successful. Players need to go to the head of the Chamber of Commerce for official consignment within 7 days after the successful registration. Overdue registration is required.

   Treasure Pavilion

a. The previous relevant processes and basic rules of the formal consignment and registration are the same. After all the conditions are met, you can enter the role consignment confirmation interface (the first listing of the role consignment must be carried out in the game).

   Treasure Pavilion

b. After the seller enters the information one by one and confirms that it is correct, the consignment is successful if the seller chooses to confirm, and a role is generated in the treasure house at the same time. After the role is successfully consigned, it will be frozen, and the role will not be able to carry out any game operations. In addition to the current chat with friends, at the same time, you can log in to the Treasure Pavilion for operations such as listing and delisting, but cannot buy.

c. Players can browse or purchase in the role interface of Treasure Pavilion. Under the role, there are four kinds of people, demons, immortals and ghosts.

   Treasure Pavilion

d. After the role consignment is successful, the system information will be sent to the qualified friends whose ID is sold.

e. If you do not need to specify a purchase ID, you can leave it blank. If you need to specify a purchase ID, you must enter it correctly to avoid trouble or unhappiness caused by incorrect input.

f. The minimum consignment price of the game character is 80 yuan and the maximum is 99999.99 yuan. The transaction commission varies according to different price ranges.

g. The first listing must be done in the game. If you need to make adjustments later, you can go to the Treasure Pavilion to get off the shelf and change the price, but you must abide by the relevant rules of price change. If you don't want to consign, you can cancel the consignment in the game and take it back. However, if you need to re consign, you need to re register.

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